Review Vacancy

Date Posted: 02/28/25
Applications Due: 04/01/25
Vacancy ID: 181779

Position Information


AgencyCommission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government

TitleTraining Associate

Occupational CategoryEducation, Teaching

Salary GradeNS

Bargaining UnitM/C - Managerial/Confidential (Unrepresented)

Salary RangeFrom $80138 to $98882 Annually

Employment Type Full-Time

Appointment Type Permanent

Jurisdictional Class Exempt Class

Travel Percentage 25%


Workweek Mon-Fri

Hours Per Week 37.5


From 8:30 AM

To 4:30 PM

Flextime allowed? No

Mandatory overtime? No

Compressed workweek allowed? No

Telecommuting allowed? Yes


County Albany

Street Address 540 Broadway

City Albany


Zip Code12207

Job Specifics

Duties Description The NYS Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (“Commission”) seeks a Training Associate to join its Education Unit. This unit is responsible for the design and delivery of innovative training programs on State Ethics and Lobbying laws serving over 300,000 New York State executive branch officers and employees and those firms and persons registered with the Commission to lobby on the State and local levels in New York State. In addition to trainings in a traditional classroom and online setting, the Training Associate develops and expands eLearning and distance learning programs utilizing the latest technology and computer-based solutions, including but not limited to: the Statewide Learning Management System (“SLMS”), video conferencing and eLearning software such as Lectora, Zoom, and WebEx.

Minimum Qualifications Three years’ experience in the training profession including the live delivery of instructor-led courses and presentations; ability to acquire working knowledge of applicable Ethics and Lobbying laws; excellent oral communication skills; familiarity with web-based training programs is required, desktop publishing and video conferencing recommended; and the ability to travel is required. Must have exceptional administrative and organizational skills. Bachelor’s degree preferred.

Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.

Contact Information

Name Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government

Telephone (518) 408-3976

Fax (518) 408-3975

Email Address


Street 540 Broadway

City Albany

State NY

Zip Code 12207


Notes on ApplyingInterested candidates should submit a current resume and cover letter, and the name, address, phone number and email of three professional references, in confidence, to:
By mail:
NYS Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government
540 Broadway
Albany, New York 12207
By e-mail:
Please indicate the position to which you are applying.