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Review Vacancy

Date Posted 08/07/23

Applications Due10/31/25

Vacancy ID136710


AgencyEducation Department, State

TitleChild Care Aide 1 (Substitute), CCA 1 Sub - Rome

Occupational CategoryNo Preference

Salary GradeNS

Bargaining UnitISU - Institutional Services Unit (CSEA)

Salary RangeFrom $19.25 to $19.25 Hourly

Employment Type Per Diem

Appointment Type Temporary

Jurisdictional Class Non-competitive Class

Travel Percentage 0%

Workweek Other (see below)

"Other" Explanation This will be a temporary, on-call, hourly position. Substitutes are notified by phone when services are needed. Every effort is made to give 24-hour prior notice.

Hours Per Week 37.5


From 7 AM

To 7 AM

Flextime allowed? No

Mandatory overtime? No

Compressed workweek allowed? No

Telecommuting allowed? No

County Oneida

Street Address NYS School for the Deaf

City Rome


Zip Code13440

Duties Description The New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) Office of Education Policy is seeking candidates for a Child Care Aide 1 (Substitute) position at the New York State School for the Deaf (NYSSD). Duties of this position include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Maintain the safety and well-being of students by escorting students to and from meals during morning and lunch times, monitor assigned exits during evacuation emergencies, bring children requiring medical attention to the health center, supervise and maintain control in all areas where children are gathered, and assist and chaperone students on off-campus activities;
• Utilize a total communication approach to language development in the presence of deaf or hard of hearing individuals by using both sign language and voice at all times;
• Check to make sure that each student has his/her hearing aid, cochlear implant, and/or glasses daily;
• Attend to students’ personal hygiene needs and the development of appropriate daily living skills;
• Assist students during mealtimes by providing supervision at each dining room entrance, checking assigned students at mealtime for appropriate behaviors, encouraging students to eat balanced meals, conversing with students during mealtimes, and helping to create a relaxed, family-type atmosphere; and
• Prevent child abuse and maltreatment by attending all staff training, carrying out responsibilities as a mandated reporter of child abuse and maltreatment, and under direction of the supervisor, use approved techniques to manage students, and report to supervisors, as required, regarding occurrences giving rise to concerns involving children in care.

Minimum Qualifications MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must be able to read, write and speak English, follow written and spoken instructions, and be in good health and good physical condition.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Preference may be given to candidates who have:
• Experience working with deaf students; and
• The ability to communicate through ASL/Sign Language.

Additional Comments CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: This will be a temporary, on-call, hourly position. Fingerprinting through the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Division of Criminal Justice Services, a background check with the Office of Children and Family Services and clearance from the Justice Center Staff Exclusion List is required for employment. Fees associated with this process are at the applicant’s expense. Promotions and transfers may change appointees’ negotiating unit. Applicants should be aware that changes in negotiating units may affect their salary, insurance, and other benefits. Substitutes are notified by phone when services are needed. Every effort is made to give 24-hour prior notice.

APPLICATION: Recruitment will continue until the positions are filled. Qualified candidates should send a resume and letter of interest to (email submissions are preferred). Your resume must clearly indicate how you meet the minimum qualifications for this position. You must include the Box number (CCA 1 Sub - Rome) of the position in the subject line of your email and cover letter to ensure receipt of your application. Links to application materials will not be accepted (i.e., Google Docs). Your social security number may be required to confirm your eligibility.

Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.

Name Office of Human Resources Management

Telephone (518) 474-5215

Fax (518) 486-5631

Email Address


Street New York State Education Department

89 Washington Avenue, Room 528

City Albany

State NY

Zip Code 12234


Notes on ApplyingAPPLICATION: Recruitment will continue until the positions are filled. Qualified candidates should send a resume and letter of interest to (email submissions are preferred). Your resume must clearly indicate how you meet the minimum qualifications for this position. You must include the Box number (CCA 1 Sub - Rome) of the position in the subject line of your email and cover letter to ensure receipt of your application. Links to application materials will not be accepted (i.e., Google Docs). Your social security number may be required to confirm your eligibility.

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