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Today's Postings
Yesterday's Postings

Item # Title Grade Posted Deadline Agency County
180218 Internal Auditor 1 SG-18, Internal Auditor Trainee 2 SG-16, Internal Auditor 1 SG-14 (NYHELPS)Item# 00151 18 02/05/25 03/07/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
178684 Auditor 1 (Municipal) SG-18,Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) equated to SG-16, Auditor Tranee 1 (Municipal) equated to SG-14(NYHELPS) Item#04340 18 01/17/25 03/14/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
178686 Auditor 1 (Municipal) SG-18,Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) equated to SG-16, Auditor Tranee 1 (Municipal) equated to SG-14(NYHELPS) Item#03823 18 01/17/25 03/14/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
178358 Information Systems Auditor 1 (SG-23)Item# 02923 23 01/15/25 02/15/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
178115 Program Research Specialist 1 (Economics Finance) SG-18, Program Research Specialist 2 Economics Finance SG-16, Program Research Specialist 1 Economics Finance SG-14(NYHELPS)Item# 04154 18 01/13/25 02/10/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
175860 State Program Examiner 1 (Systems), SG-18, State Program Examiner Trainee 1 (Systems) equated to SG-16, State Program Examiner Trainee 2 (Systems) equated to SG-14, Vacancy ID #175860 18 12/18/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the New York
175449 Internal Auditor 1 SG-18 (NY HELPS), Internal Auditor Trainee 2, (Equated to SG-16), Internal Auditor Trainee 1, (Equated to SG-14) Item #153570 18 12/11/24 02/11/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
168858 State Program Examiner 1, Systems State Program Examiner Trainee 2, Systems (SG-16) State Program Examiner Trainee 1, Systems (SG-14)(NYHELPS) 18 10/04/24 04/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
168252 Accountant Aide, SG13, Accountant Aide Trainee 2, (Equated to SG-11), Accountant Aide Trainee 1, (Equated to SG-09), Item #02719 13 09/25/24 02/28/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
164995 Accountant Aide, SG 13, Accountant Aide Trainee 2, (Equated to SG-11) Accountant Aide Trainee 1, (Equated to SG-09) (NYHELPS) 13 08/08/24 02/28/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
150787 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item #150787 18 02/09/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the To Be Determined
150791 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item #150791 18 02/09/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Suffolk
150685 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14,Item #150685 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Erie
150687 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item #150687 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Warren
150693 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14 Item #150693 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Monroe
150699 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item#150699 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Onondaga
150691 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item #150691 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Orange
150679 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14 Item#150679 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Broome
150343 Auditor 1/State Program Examiner 1(Fiscal)(NY HELPS),SG 18, Auditor 1/State Program Examiner TR2(Fiscal)(NY HELPS),(SG-16), Auditor1/State Program Examiner TR1(Fiscal) (NY HELPS), (SG-14),Item #150343 18 02/06/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the New York
150341 Auditor 1/State Program Examiner 1(Fiscal)(NY HELPS),SG 18 Auditor 1/State Program Examiner TR2(Fiscal)(NY HELPS),(SG-16), Auditor1/State Program Examiner TR1(Fiscal) (NY HELPS), (SG-14), Item #150341 18 02/06/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
149945 State Program Examiner 1 (NY HELPS) , SG 18, State Program Examiner Trainee 2 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG-16), State Program Examiner Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG-14), Item #149945 18 02/01/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
149949 State Program Examiner 1 (NY HELPS) , SG 18, State Program Examiner Trainee 2 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG-16), State Program Examiner Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG-14), Item #149949 18 02/01/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the New York