Review Vacancy

Date Posted: 03/13/25
Applications Due: 03/28/25
Vacancy ID: 182712

Position Information


AgencyTransportation, Department of

TitleConstruction Specialist 1 (Transportation) (NY HELP)

Occupational CategoryOther Professional Careers

Salary Grade19

Bargaining UnitPS&T - Professional, Scientific, and Technical (PEF)

Salary RangeFrom $68523 to $87032 Annually

Employment Type Full-Time

Appointment Type Permanent

Jurisdictional Class Competitive Class

Travel Percentage 5%


Workweek Mon-Fri

Hours Per Week 37.5


From 8 AM

To 4 PM

Flextime allowed? No

Mandatory overtime? No

Compressed workweek allowed? Yes

Telecommuting allowed? Yes


County Albany

Street Address Main Office- Office of Design

50 Wolf Road

City Albany


Zip Code12232

Job Specifics

Duties Description This position will be filled within the Design Quality Assurance Bureau in the Office of Design and duties will include, but are not limited to, the following:

•Liaison to Regional Quality Control Engineers for contract development support and training
•Conduct reviews of PS&E package submissions for Department-let construction contracts to ensure
completeness and adherence to policies and procedures
•Prepare construction contract bid documents (e.g., proposal books, amendments) for advertisement and letting
•Coordinate reviews and processing by other internal and external involved parties (e.g., FHWA)
•Use various technologies, computer databases, systems and other applications for the timely input and analysis
of data
•Identify and conduct assessments of potential contract processing issues and communicate any
findings/concerns to your supervisor and/or other appropriate persons
•Respond in a timely manner to written and verbal requests for information regarding the PS&E process or the
status of deliverables
•Work with other staff to ensure all unit assignment deadlines are met
•Participate in the development and review of revisions to policies, forms, procedures, and work-related
technologies and applications
•Provide contract processing support for design-bid-build contracts as well as other alternate contract types
(e.g., design/build) as necessary
•Reviews submittals for compliance with NYSDOT and industry standards and regulations
•Provide guidance, assistance, and support to Regions, municipalities, and other involved parties as appropriate
•Composes written correspondence to convey information and discuss contractual terms
•Represent the Department at industry meetings and other events
•May be assigned to work on special transportation projects
•Assist with projects/assignments other Office of Design bureaus as needed
•Other duties as assigned and can be discussed further at the interview

Minimum Qualifications This title is part of the New York Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Statewide Program (NY HELPS).*

To be considered for appointment through NY HELPS, or 55 b/c, candidates must meet the open competitive minimum qualifications for this position. The qualifications are:

Promotional: One year of permanent competitive or 55-b/55-cc service as a Principal Drafting Technician (General), Principal Drafting Technician (Structural), Principal Engineering, Principal Engineering Technician (Soils), Mapping Technician 3, Mapping Technologist 1, Senior Engineering Materials Analyst, Senior Engineering Materials Chemist, Materials Testing Specialist 1, Engineering Geologist, or Traffic Systems Technician 2.

Open Competitive: High school graduation or equivalent and six years of full-time satisfactory experience in civil engineering or engineering technology related to transportation infrastructure work.

30 semester hours of training for a technical institute, community college or college in civil engineering, civil engineering technology construction technology, engineering, physical or applied sciences on a year-for-year basis, up to four years.

Candidates may also be qualified for permanent competitive appointment if reachable from the appropriate Civil Service eligible list or eligible for reassignment or transfer in accordance with Civil Service Law.

Additional Comments *For the duration of the NY HELPS Program, this title may be filled via a non-competitive appointment, which means no examination is required but all candidates must meet the minimum qualifications of the title for which they apply.

At a future date, it is expected employees hired under NY HELPS will have their non-competitive employment status converted to competitive status, without having to compete in an examination. Employees will then be afforded with all of the same rights and privileges of competitive class employees of New York State. While serving permanently in an NY HELPS title, employees may take part in any promotion examination for which they are qualified.

Your required educational credentials must have been awarded by an educational institution accredited by a regional, national, or specialized agency recognized as an accrediting agency by the United States (U.S.) Department of Education/Secretary of Education. If awarded by an institution outside of the U.S. and its territories, you must provide independent verification of equivalency. A list of companies that provide these services (fees must be paid to the company you choose) can be found at:

Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.

How to Apply

Name Miranda Schingledecker



Email Address


Street New York State Department of Transportation

50 Wolf Road

City Albany

State NY

Zip Code 12232


Notes on ApplyingQualified candidates should submit a letter of interest and a current resume, titled by last name, with the Notice
Number MO-25-096 and last name in the subject line and referenced in the letter of interest no later than March 28, 2025