Review Vacancy
AgencyInformation Technology Services, Office of
TitleSenior Budgeting Analyst (NY HELPs) - 6943
Occupational CategoryI.T. Engineering, Sciences
Bargaining UnitPS&T - Professional, Scientific, and Technical (PEF)
Salary RangeFrom $65001 to $82656 Annually
Duties Description Under the direction of an Associate Budgeting Analyst, SG 23, the incumbent will be assigned to the Finance Budget Unit and will support various financial, accounting and procurement processes and methodologies. Duties include: But are not limited to the following: • Prepare Weekly Financial Reports. • Submit and track Request to Fills (RTFs) using Civil Services; NYSTEP system. • Manage Pool Code IDs/Pool Code ID maintenance in the OSC PayServ system. • Manage and maintain the Chart of Accounts (COA). • Participate in various workgroups (i.e. COA, SFS).Aid in resolving State Financial System (SFS) budget errors and respond to inquiries from the Business Services Center and NYS Agencies. • Assist with the development of the agency annual State Budget Request (SBR) for submission to the Division of Budget (DOB). • Monitor and maintain the spending plans and encumbrances pursuant to levels established in the enacted State Budget and in coordination with Fiscal Operations. • Monitor and analyze agency revenue and cash spending projections for DOB review. • Monitor and analyze non-personal service (NPS) information technology (IT) spending requests. • Assist with coordinating justifications for B1184 DOB Certification submittals, and follow up to secure DOB approvals. • Assist with the evaluation of program goals/objectives and direct adjustments to assure each complies with a rapidly changing/expanding agency mission. • Maintain accurate financial record keeping, spending plans, cost allocation controls and budgets, and create FTE spending reports. • Prepare fiscal impact analysis of leases, contracts, enacted State/Federal legislation, Executive Orders, and program letters, etc.
Minimum Qualifications NYS HELPS:
Budgeting Analyst Trainee 1 (equated to salary grade 14)*
-A bachelor’s degree or higher
Budgeting Analyst Trainee 2 (equated to a salary grade 16)*
-A bachelor’s degree or higher and one year of professional finance budget experience
Senior Budgeting Analyst (salary grade 18)
-A bachelor’s degree of higher and two years of professional finance budget experience
NOTE: This title is part of the New York Hiring for Emergency LimitedPlacement Statewide Program (NY HELPS).
Transfer: Open to NYS employees with one year of permanent,contingent permanent, or 55b/c service as a Senior Budgeting Analyst,SG-18; OR who are in a title SG-11 or above deemed administrativeunder Section 52.6 of the Civil Service Law; OR in a title approved fortransfer under Section 70.1 of Civil Service Law. The transfer cannotbe a second consecutive transfer resulting in an advancement of morethan two salary grades.
Reinstatement: If you previously served in this title or in a titleotherwise transferable to this title, you may be reinstated pursuant toCivil Service Law. If you left state service less than one year ago,there reinstatement request from a state agency will usually beapproved by the Department of Civil Service. If you left state servicemore than one year ago, the reinstatement must also be approved bythe Civil Service Commission.
55b/c Appointment: This position is eligible for 55b/c designation andcandidates with 55b/c eligibility are encouraged to apply. Candidatesmust possess the minimum qualifications and a current 55b/c eligibilityletter. For 55 b/consideration, candidates must satisfy at least one ofthe Open Competitive qualifications listed below.
*Successful completion of a two-year traineeship leads to appointmentas a Senior Budgeting Analyst, SG-18.
Additional Comments Some positions may require fingerprinting.
Some positions may require up to 25% travel and/or lifting up to 50 lbs. Some positions are pending Civil Service approval. Details of position(s) will be described further if you are selected for an interview.
Positions located in New York City, will receive an additional $3,400 downstate adjustment location pay with regular annual salary. Positions located in the Mid-Hudson will receive an additional $1,650 adjustment location pay.
For the duration of the NY HELPS Program, this title maybe filled via a non- competitive appointment, which means no examination is required but all candidates must meet the minimum qualifications of the title for which they apply. At this time, agencies may recruit and hire employees by making temporary appointments. In May 2024, if a temporary NY HELPS employee is satisfactorily performing in the position, the appointment will be changed from temporary pending Civil Service Commission Action to permanent non-competitive and the official probationary period will begin.
At a future date (within one year of permanent appointment), it is expected employees hired under NY HELPS will have their non-competitive employment status converted to competitive status, without having to compete in an examination. Employees will then be afforded with all of the same rights and privileges of competitive class employees of New York State. While serving permanently in a NY HELPS title, employees may take part in any promotion examination for which they are qualified.
We are recruiting for 6 positions within this role.
Benefits of Working for NYS Generous benefits package, worth 65% of salary, including:
Holiday & Paid Time Off
• Thirteen (13) paid holidays annually
• Up to Thirteen (13) days of paid vacation leave annually
• Up to Five (5) days of paid personal leave annually
• Up to Thirteen (13) days of paid sick leave annually for PEF.
• Up to three (3) days of professional leave annually to participate in professional development
Health Care Benefits
• Eligible employees and dependents can pick from a variety of affordable health insurance programs
• Family dental and vision benefits at no additional cost
Additional Benefits
• New York State Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) Membership
• NYS Deferred Compensation
• Access to NY 529 and NY ABLE College Savings Programs, as well as U.S. Savings Bonds
• Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
• And many more.
The Office of Information Technology Services is an equal opportunity employer, and we recognize that diversity in our workforce is critical to fulfilling our mission. We encourage all individuals with disabilities to apply.
Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.