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Item # Title Grade Posted Deadline Agency County
182778 Addictions Counselor 1 (M.A. Stutzman Addiction Treatment Center) 16 03/14/25 03/28/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Erie
182824 Information Technology Specialist 4 (Information Security) 25 03/14/25 03/30/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
182800 Administrative Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) 11 03/14/25 03/29/25 Homes and Community Renewal Albany
182826 Virtual Currency Manager (Director Financial Services Programs 1, SG-31) 31 03/14/25 03/28/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182866 Senior Enforcement Counsel (Director Financial Services Programs 3, NS) NS 03/14/25 05/13/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182821 Director, Financial Services Frauds Bureau, NS NS 03/14/25 05/13/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
182788 Trades Specialist (CNC Machinist) or Trainee 1/2 - #04450 NS 03/14/25 05/31/25 Canal Corporation Saratoga
182871 Legal Assistant 2 (NY HELPS) - Investor Protection (NYC) 17 03/14/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
182827 Director of Construction Oversight NS 03/14/25 04/30/25 MTA Inspector General, Office of New York
182828 Construction Auditor/Investigator Series NS 03/14/25 04/30/25 MTA Inspector General, Office of New York
182832 Financial Investigator NS 03/14/25 04/30/25 MTA Inspector General, Office of New York
182790 Senior Investigative Attorney NS 03/14/25 04/30/25 MTA Inspector General, Office of New York
182862 Project Manager, Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing 21 03/14/25 04/30/25 Olympic Regional Development Authority Essex
182902 Communications Director NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS New York
182904 Constituent Services Representative NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS New York
182903 Constituent Liaison NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS Kings
182905 Communications Coordinator NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS Kings
182896 Secretary NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS Albany
182897 Telecommunications Technician NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS Albany
182898 Computer Programmer NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS Albany
182899 Systems Programmer NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS Albany
182900 HR Training & Recruitment Coordinator NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS Albany
182901 HR Benefits Coordinator NS 03/14/25 03/14/25 Assembly Majority, NYS Albany
182809 Psychiatrist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
182814 Psychiatrist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
182837 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cattaraugus
182890 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cattaraugus
182838 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chautauqua
182891 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chautauqua
182841 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Genesee
182893 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Genesee
182846 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chemung
182840 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
182892 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
182807 Psychiatrist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
182813 Psychiatrist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
182836 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Allegany
182889 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Allegany
182852 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schuyler
182853 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Seneca
182854 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Steuben
182872 TEMPLATE Registered Nurse 2 (Community) - Bernard Fineson DDSO 20 03/14/25 03/28/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Queens
182879 Habilitation Specialist 1 - Bernard Fineson DDSO 14 03/14/25 03/28/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Queens
182844 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orleans
182895 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orleans
182810 Psychiatrist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
182812 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 22 03/14/25 03/27/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
182815 Psychiatrist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
182851 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Ontario
182850 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
182803 Psychiatrist 1 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
182811 Psychiatrist 1 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
182843 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Niagara
182894 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Niagara
182856 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Wyoming
182855 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Wayne
182857 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Yates
182849 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/14/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Livingston
182863 Data Analyst 2, Central Office 23 03/14/25 03/29/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182823 Dietitian 2 (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25733 18 03/14/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
182782 Office Assistant 1 Spanish Language (NY HELPS), Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit, Inwood Clinic, P25726 06 03/14/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182777 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25725 38 03/14/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182785 Office Assistant 1 (Stores/Mail) (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, P25728 06 03/14/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
182787 Office Assistant 1 - Keyboarding (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, P25729 06 03/14/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
182816 Residential Program Manager 3 (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25732 23 03/14/25 04/11/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182875 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS) 19 03/14/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
182878 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS) 25 03/14/25 06/13/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Oneida
182887 Cleaner (Hourly) NS 03/14/25 04/14/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Oneida
182880 Youth Support Assistant (Permanent) 09 03/14/25 03/29/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Cayuga
182874 Temporary Assistance Specialist 1 or Trainee 1 or 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/14/25 03/24/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
182876 Temporary Assistance Specialist 1 or Trainee 1 or 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/14/25 03/24/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
182820 Parks and Recreation Aide 7 – Public Affairs (Saratoga Regional Office) NS 03/14/25 03/28/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Saratoga
182877 Mental Health/First Aid Management Intern (PRA 2-6) Hourly 03/14/25 05/01/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Albany
182783 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, Cross Hill Academy, P25727 NS 03/14/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
182798 Administrative Assistant 1, SG -11, Administrative Assistant Trainee 2, (Equated to SG-10), Administrative Assistant Trainee 1, (Equated to SG-8) (NYHELPS)Item# 07934 11 03/14/25 03/24/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182792 Administrative Specialist 1, SG-18, Administrative Specialist Trainee 2, SG-16, Administrative Specialist Trainee 1, SG-14(NYHELPS)Item#07344 18 03/14/25 03/28/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182794 Administrative Specialist 1, SG-18, Administrative Specialist Trainee 2, SG-16, Administrative Specialist Trainee 1, SG-14(NYHELPS)Item#07345 18 03/14/25 03/28/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182885 Correctional Facility Specialist 1 19 03/14/25 03/29/25 Correction, Commission of Albany
182825 Student Assistant Internship (Workplace Services), Ref# 8612 NS 03/14/25 04/01/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182830 Student Assistant Internship (Shared Platform Services), Ref# 8683 NS 03/14/25 04/01/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182831 Student Assistant Internship (Shared Platform Services), Ref# 8686 NS 03/14/25 04/01/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182882 Director of State Legislative Affairs NS 03/14/25 03/28/25 Executive Chamber of New York State Albany
182801 Facility Operations Assistant 2 - VID 182801 09 03/14/25 03/24/25 General Services, Office of Suffolk
182780 Public Information Specialist 2 (Digital Content) - [Accessibility Solutions Specialist] - VID 182780 23 03/14/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of New York
182779 Public Information Specialist 2 (Digital Content) - [Accessibility Solutions Specialist] - VID 182779 23 03/14/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182868 Fiscal Supervisor at the Veterans Home at St Albans (NY HELPS) - 31127 661 03/14/25 03/28/25 Health, Department of Queens
182795 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 (NY HELPS) – 12824 14 03/14/25 03/28/25 Health, Department of Albany
182842 Office Assistant 2 (NY HELPS) - 3473 09 03/14/25 03/28/25 Health, Department of Albany
182822 Facility Operations Assistant 1 - 13293 06 03/14/25 03/28/25 Health, Department of Albany
182864 Investigative Specialist 1/Trainee (Labor Standards)- White Plains- (NY HELPS) 18 03/14/25 03/28/25 Labor, Department of Westchester
182804 Labor Services Representative/Trainee 1/2 - Patchogue (NY HELPS) 16 03/14/25 03/28/25 Labor, Department of Suffolk
182829 Workers' Compensation Examiner, WCB Items #8740 14 03/14/25 03/24/25 Workers' Compensation Board Schenectady
182906 EDGE Internship - Hourly - Albany NS 03/14/25 03/28/25 Labor, Department of New York
182833 Investigative Specialist 1/Trainee (Labor Standards)- Buffalo- (NY HELPS) 18 03/14/25 03/28/25 Labor, Department of Erie
182781 Legal Assistant Trainee 1 11 03/14/25 03/24/25 Agriculture & Markets, Department of New York
182799 Evidence Analyst & Deputy Public Information Officer - NYC NS 03/14/25 04/14/25 State Inspector General, Office of New York
182860 Trade and Tourism Coordinator NS 03/14/25 06/14/25 Empire State Development, NYS To Be Determined
182847 Counsel / Chief Administrative Law Judge - Vacancy ID# 182847 665 03/14/25 03/28/25 State, Department of New York
182845 Counsel / Chief Administrative Law Judge - Vacancy ID# 182845 665 03/14/25 03/28/25 State, Department of Albany
182805 Engineering Technician Trainee / Senior Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) - Region 7 13 03/14/25 06/14/25 Transportation, Department of Jefferson
182802 Student Assistant - Region 2 Construction NS 03/14/25 05/30/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
182869 Bridge Repair Assistant TR1/TR2 - (Region 8) NS 03/14/25 03/24/25 Transportation, Department of Orange
182858 Engineering Technician Trainee/Senior Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) 13 03/14/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182883 Student Assistant NS 03/14/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182884 Student Assistant NS 03/14/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182888 Motor Vehicle Representative 1, G-9 (NY HELPS - NO EXAM REQUIRED) 09 03/14/25 03/29/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Oneida
182839 Press Secretary, Downstate NS 03/14/25 06/14/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
182688 Accountant Aide, SG-13 13 03/13/25 03/19/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
182754 Temporary Summer Maintenance Assistant 09 03/13/25 03/22/25 SUNY Plattsburgh Clinton
182757 Temporary Summer Maintenance Assistant (Painter) - Multiple Positions 09 03/13/25 03/22/25 SUNY Plattsburgh Clinton
182741 Attorneys:Civil Litigation, Environmental Bureau (3778) NS 03/13/25 04/18/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
182738 Assistant Deputy Superintendent for Cybersecurity, NS NS 03/13/25 05/14/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182732 DHSES Program Administrator 1/Trainee1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/13/25 03/29/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
182728 DHSES Program Administrator 1/Trainee1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/13/25 03/29/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
182725 DHSES Program Administrator 1/Trainee1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/13/25 03/29/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
182674 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) 24 03/13/25 03/28/25 Thruway Authority Albany
182716 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, Mount Vernon Service Center, P25718 NS 03/13/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
182744 Park and Recreation Aide 2 (Two Positions Available) NS 03/13/25 03/27/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Cattaraugus
182764 Parks and Recreation Aide 3 (Mail/Stores) NS 03/13/25 03/27/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Cattaraugus
182771 Trades Specialist (Carpenter) NS 03/13/25 03/27/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Cattaraugus
182705 Park Worker 3 - Taconic Region 09 03/13/25 03/27/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Dutchess
182721 Park and Recreation Specialist 1 (Regional Trails Coordinator) NS 03/13/25 03/27/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Dutchess
182774 Counsel NS 03/13/25 04/30/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Albany
182742 Temporary Assistance Specialist 1 or Trainee 1 or 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/13/25 03/23/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
182768 Teacher 2, 3, 4 (NY HELPS) NS 03/13/25 04/11/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182769 Teaching Assistant (NY HELPS) 09 03/13/25 04/11/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182765 Maintenance Supervisor 2 (NY HELPS) 17 03/13/25 03/28/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182750 Cleaner (Hourly) NS 03/13/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Suffolk
182713 Senior Recreation Therapist, (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25717 17 03/13/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182710 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Attica Satellite Unit, P25716 18 03/13/25 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of Wyoming
182671 Deputy Director, Psychiatric Center 1 - Administration, M-4, Sagamore Children's Psychiatric Center, P25709 664 03/13/25 04/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182718 Recreation Therapist (NY HELPS), Sagamore Children's Psychiatric Center, P25719 14 03/13/25 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182720 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Sagamore Children's Psychiatric Center, P25720 18 03/13/25 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182729 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), Sagamore Children's Psychiatric Center, P25721 22 03/13/25 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182670 Deputy Director, Psychiatric Center 1 - Quality Management, M-4, Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center, P25710 664 03/13/25 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
182686 Barber, Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, P25714 08 03/13/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182733 Mental Hygiene Program Evaluation Specialist 2 (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25722 18 03/13/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
182736 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25723 22 03/13/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
182676 Office Assistant 2 - Keyboarding, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25712 09 03/13/25 04/11/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
182682 Office Assistant 2 - Calculations (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25713 09 03/13/25 04/11/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
182759 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25724 11 03/13/25 04/08/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
182762 Senior Budgeting Analyst/Budgeting Analyst Trainee, Central Office; 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182708 Treatment Team Leader Developmental Disabilities 661 03/13/25 03/27/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
182673 Residential Program Manager 2 (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25711 19 03/13/25 05/02/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182719 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 03/13/25 03/27/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
182709 Training Specialist 2 Mental Hygiene 23 03/13/25 03/27/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
182715 Transportation Analyst/Trainee 2/Trainee 1 (NY HELPS) NS 03/13/25 03/28/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182717 Data Analyst 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 18 03/13/25 03/27/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182712 Construction Specialist 1 (Transportation) (NY HELP) 19 03/13/25 03/28/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182775 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS (Region 4) 24 03/13/25 04/14/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
182776 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS (Region 4) NS 03/13/25 04/14/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
182714 Senior License Exam Specialist/ Trainee 1-2 (NY HELPS) - Vacancy ID# 182714 18 03/13/25 03/27/25 State, Department of Albany
182745 Licensing Services Clerk/Trainee 1 (NY HELPS) Vacancy ID# 182745 NS 03/13/25 03/28/25 State, Department of Albany
182751 Licensing Services Clerk/Trainee 1 (NY HELPS) Vacancy ID# 182751 NS 03/13/25 03/28/25 State, Department of Albany
182700 Code Compliance Specialist 2 (NY HELPS), Vacancy ID# 182700 23 03/13/25 03/27/25 State, Department of Erie
182766 Office Assistant 2 (NY HELPS) 09 03/13/25 03/28/25 Taxation & Finance, State Suffolk
182687 Senior Administrative Analyst (NY HELPS) 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182722 Professional Engineer 1 (Environmental) - NY HELPS 24 03/13/25 04/02/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Schenectady
182723 Office Assistant 1 Keyboarding (NY HELPS) 06 03/13/25 03/21/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Westchester
182743 Senior Administrative Analyst, Administrative Analyst Trainee 1, (NY HELPS) Box OHE-1295/04264 18 03/13/25 04/03/25 Education Department, State Albany
182752 Executive Secretary for the State Board of Professions (Dentistry, Optometry, and Chiropractic), Box OP-1872/20401 NS 03/13/25 04/03/25 Education Department, State Albany
182696 Senior Attorney, NS-M4 NS 03/13/25 03/26/25 Public Service, Department of Albany
182730 Gas System Planning & Reliability Project Coordinator - NS-M4 NS 03/13/25 03/23/25 Public Service, Department of Albany
182731 Administrative Assistant 1/ Trainee (NY HELPS) - 32626 11 03/13/25 03/27/25 Health, Department of Albany
182684 Recreation Therapist (NY HELPS) - 30508 14 03/13/25 03/31/25 Health, Department of Rockland
182763 Adaptive Equipment Specialist 14 03/13/25 03/27/25 Health, Department of Rockland
182672 Project Manager 2 (NY HELPS) - 00291 23 03/13/25 03/27/25 Health, Department of Albany
182724 Public Information Specialist 1 (Digital Content) - [User Experience (UX) Designer] - VID 182724 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182677 Public Information Specialist 1 (Digital Content) - [Web Solutions Specialist] - VID 182677 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182679 Public Information Specialist 2 (Digital Content) - [Digital Content & Social Media Strategist] - VID 182679 23 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182681 Public Information Specialist 3 (Digital Content) - [Product Digital Services Manager] - VID 182681 25 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182697 Public Information Specialist 2 (Digital Content) - [Data Engineer] - VID 182697 23 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182689 Public Information Specialist 2 (Digital Content) - [Data Analyst] - VID 182689 23 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182695 Public Information Specialist 2 (Digital Content) - [Data Engineer] - VID 182695 23 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of New York
182727 Public Information Specialist 1 (Digital Content) - UX Designer - VID 182727 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of New York
182691 Public Information Specialist 2 (Digital Content) - [Data Analyst] - VID 182691 23 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of New York
182678 Public Information Specialist 1 (Digital Content) - [Web Solutions Specialist] - VID 182678 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of New York
182680 Public Information Specialist 2 (Digital Content) - [Digital Content & Social Media Strategist] - VID 182680 23 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of New York
182683 Public Information Specialist 3 (Digital Content) - [Product Digital Services Manager] - VID 182683 25 03/13/25 03/28/25 General Services, Office of New York
182698 Human Resources Specialist 1/Trainee 1/2 - HELPS 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 Insurance Fund, State Erie
182694 Assistant Counsel – Environment Portfolio NS 03/13/25 03/28/25 Executive Chamber of New York State New York
182693 Assistant Counsel – Environment Portfolio NS 03/13/25 03/28/25 Executive Chamber of New York State Albany
182701 Human Resources Specialist 1/Trainee 1/2 - HELPS 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 Insurance Fund, State Onondaga
182760 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 14 03/13/25 05/21/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
182749 Aircraft Pilot 662 03/13/25 03/23/25 State Police, Division of Orange
182755 Aircraft Pilot 662 03/13/25 03/23/25 State Police, Division of Orange
182756 Aircraft Pilot 662 03/13/25 03/23/25 State Police, Division of Orange
182758 Facilities Operations Assistant 1 06 03/13/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Jefferson
182761 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 14 03/13/25 05/21/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Onondaga
182703 Senior Budgeting Analyst (Budgeting Analyst Trainee) (NY HELPs) - 6943 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182704 Project Coordinator - 8827 NS 03/13/25 03/25/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182702 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPs) - 5606 18 03/13/25 03/28/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Kings
182735 Project Manager 1, SG-18, Project Manager Trainee 2 SG-16, Project Manager Trainee, SG-14(NYHELPS)Item# 00375 18 03/13/25 03/27/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182658 Service Area Representative; Service Area Representative Trainee 1 or 2 17 03/12/25 04/30/25 Thruway Authority Albany
182604 Addictions Counselor 1 (Bronx Addiction Treatment Center) 16 03/12/25 03/27/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
182629 Security Technician Bridge NS 03/12/25 04/12/25 Bridge Authority, NYS Ulster
182585 Disaster Preparedness Program Representative 3 (NY HELPS) 23 03/12/25 03/27/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Monroe
182583 Disaster Preparedness Program Representative 3 (NY HELPS) 23 03/12/25 03/27/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Broome
182637 Deputy Superintendent for Nonbank Supervision, NS NS 03/12/25 05/12/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
182609 Data Analysis Specialist (Financial Services Specialist 1 (Compliance), SG-18) 18 03/12/25 04/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182617 Senior Director of Limited Purpose Trust (Director Financial Services Programs 2, SG-33) 33 03/12/25 04/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182619 Deputy Superintendent for Bank Supervision, NS NS 03/12/25 05/12/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182620 Trial Attorney: Defend Med Malpractice Cases for NYS (3777) NS 03/12/25 04/11/25 Attorney General, Office of the Onondaga
182586 Confidential Legal Assistant (Resource Support and Data Specialist) - VID 182586 NS 03/12/25 04/14/25 Indigent Legal Services, Office of Albany
182662 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee (NY HELPS) NS 03/12/25 03/26/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
182632 Seasonal Laborer - Hudson River Area/Mayfield NS 03/12/25 04/11/25 Hudson River-Black River Regulating District Fulton
182633 Seasonal Laborer - Black River Area/Stillwater Reservoir NS 03/12/25 04/11/25 Hudson River-Black River Regulating District Herkimer
182581 Chief Safety and Security Officer 20 03/12/25 03/25/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
182582 Safety and Security Officer 2 15 03/12/25 04/12/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
182599 Administrative Assistant 1 / Trainee 1 or 2 - Regional Field Office, Region 4: Brooklyn - EOA #2025-500 11 03/12/25 03/26/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
182667 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 - EOA#25-138jh 22 03/12/25 03/26/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
182610 Licensed Master Social Worker (Russell E. Blaisdell ATC) 20 03/12/25 03/27/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
182652 Addictions Counselor 1 (Russell E. Blaisdell ATC) 16 03/12/25 03/27/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
182653 Facility Operations Assistant 1 06 03/12/25 05/17/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
182595 Registered Nurse 1 - Temp / Hourly NS 03/12/25 03/26/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
182596 Licensed Psychologist 25 03/12/25 03/26/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
182598 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center - Outpatient Services, P25696 25 03/12/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182644 Maintenance Supervisor 2 (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25708 17 03/12/25 05/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182634 Security Hospital Treatment Assistant (SHTA), (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center – Direct Care Position, P25706 14 03/12/25 04/18/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182612 Assistant Director of Nursing 1 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25700 661 03/12/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
182626 Security Hospital Treatment Assistant (NY HELPS), Direct Care Position, Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25705 14 03/12/25 04/11/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
182616 Psychiatrist 1 and 2 (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, P25701 38 03/12/25 04/11/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182623 Psychiatrist 1 (Children and Youth) / Psychiatrist 2 (Children and Youth) (NY HELPS), Rockland Childrens Psychiatric Center, P25704 38 03/12/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
182621 Health Facility Management Assistant (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25703 18 03/12/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182601 Food Service Worker 1, St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Food Service, P25697 05 03/12/25 04/02/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
182605 Social Worker (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Massena, P25698 18 03/12/25 05/30/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
182606 Social Worker (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, P25699 18 03/12/25 05/30/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
182618 Supervising Housekeeper, Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25702 11 03/12/25 04/02/25 Mental Health, Office of Orange
182628 Youth Support Specialist (Hourly) NS 03/12/25 04/12/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182630 Clinical Physician 2 (Per Diem) NS 03/12/25 04/12/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Columbia
182654 Park Supervisor 2 (NY HELPS) 14 03/12/25 03/26/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Broome
182656 State Fair Worker, NS (Events Staff) Hourly 03/12/25 04/12/25 Agriculture & Markets, Department of Onondaga
182657 State Fair Worker, NS (Events Staff) Hourly 03/12/25 04/12/25 Agriculture & Markets, Department of Onondaga
182597 Office Assistant 2, SG-9(NYHELPS)Item # 05843(Multiple) 09 03/12/25 03/22/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182608 Student Assistant Internship (Workplace Services), Ref# 8839 NS 03/12/25 03/27/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182613 Student Assistant Internship (Digital Experience), Ref# 8753 NS 03/12/25 03/27/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182645 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Suffolk
182647 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Westchester
182640 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Monroe
182639 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Kings
182641 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Nassau
182643 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Onondaga
182642 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of New York
182648 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Bronx
182649 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Bronx
182625 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Albany
182635 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Erie
182627 Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Officer 1 (Human Rights) 25 03/12/25 04/07/25 Human Rights, Division of Broome
182591 General Mechanic-Carpenter 12 03/12/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Niagara
182655 Office Assistant 2 (Calculations) 09 03/12/25 03/22/25 State Police, Division of Albany
182593 Facility Operations Assistant 2 (Grounds) - VID 182593 09 03/12/25 03/24/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182600 Call Center Representative 1 NS 03/12/25 03/21/25 Higher Education Services Corporation Albany
182650 Health System Specialist 1 (EMC) - EMS Compliance and Conduct Investigator - (BEMS) (NY HELPS) 18 03/12/25 04/07/25 Health, Department of To Be Determined
182622 Public Health Field Services Representative 1/Trainee (NY HELPS) - 23551 18 03/12/25 03/26/25 Health, Department of Albany
182603 Assistant Counsel NS-25 NS 03/12/25 03/22/25 Public Service, Department of Albany
182646 Institution Steward (NY HELPS) 23 03/12/25 03/19/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Albany
182594 Mental Health Program Specialist 2 (DOCCS) 23 03/12/25 03/19/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Albany
182587 Correctional Facility Operations Specialist 23 03/12/25 03/21/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Albany
182669 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/12/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Delaware
182660 Office Assistant 1 Hourly 03/12/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Albany
182636 Senior Attorney / Assistant Attorney 1 / 2 / 3 - NY HELPS NS 03/12/25 04/02/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Jefferson
182664 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/12/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Schenectady
182666 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/12/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Schenectady
182668 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/12/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Schenectady
182663 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 (3 Positions) Hourly 03/12/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Suffolk
182589 Assistant Office Services Manager (NY HELPS) 18 03/12/25 03/27/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182501 Trades Specialist (Painter) Paint Shop 12 03/11/25 03/26/25 University at Albany Albany
182518 University Police Communications & Security Specialist 1 (NYS HELPS) 10 03/11/25 03/25/25 SUNY Geneseo Livingston
182525 Advocacy Specialist 2 18 03/11/25 03/26/25 Justice Center For The Protection Of People With Special Needs Albany
182547 Facility Operations Assistant 1 06 03/11/25 04/10/25 SUNY Old Westbury Nassau
182550 Trades Generalist 12 03/11/25 04/10/25 SUNY Old Westbury Nassau
182566 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/11/25 03/25/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
182573 Deputy Commissioner NS 03/11/25 03/25/25 Homes and Community Renewal New York
182481 Special Assistant (Assistant Commissioner OEM) NS 03/11/25 03/26/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Oneida
182533 Homeland Security Program Analyst 1 18 03/11/25 03/26/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
182539 Homeland Security Program Analyst 2 23 03/11/25 03/26/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
182530 Accounts Payable Specialist - Albany, NY NS 03/11/25 04/01/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Albany
182567 Transportation Construction Inspectors 1,2,3 Hourly 03/11/25 04/01/25 Thruway Authority Erie
182494 Supervisor Rehabilitation Services, Rockland Psychiatric Center, Yonkers, P25685 23 03/11/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
182571 Assistant Health Director (Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park) Hourly 03/11/25 04/01/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of New York
182572 Health Director (Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park) Hourly 03/11/25 04/01/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of New York
182540 Maintenance Assistant 09 03/11/25 03/26/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Cayuga
182570 Youth Recreation Specialist 1 (NY HELPS) 14 03/11/25 03/26/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Cayuga
182553 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS) 23 03/11/25 04/11/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182554 Psychologist 2 (NY HELPS) 23 03/11/25 04/11/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182575 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS) 20 03/11/25 04/11/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182576 Cook (Permanent) 11 03/11/25 03/31/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182557 Research Scientist 2 22 03/11/25 04/11/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
182565 Deputy Counsel NS 03/11/25 03/21/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
182522 Contract Management Specialist 1, G-18 or Contract Management Specialist Trainee 1, G-NS (NY HELPS - NO EXAM REQUIRED) 18 03/11/25 03/21/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
182482 Utilization Review Coordinator, (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25684 19 03/11/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182493 Psychiatrist 2, (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, Mid-Lakes ACT, P25687 38 03/11/25 06/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Tompkins
182479 Maintenance Assistant, Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25682 09 03/11/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
182480 Senior Recreation Therapist, (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25683 17 03/11/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182506 Addiction Counselor 1 (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25690 16 03/11/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182509 Addictions Counselor 2 (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25691 18 03/11/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182519 Registered Nurse 2, Community, (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, OPD Clinic - ACT, P25692 20 03/11/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182521 Registered Nurse 2, Community, (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, Mobile Integration Team (MIT), P25693 20 03/11/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182495 Psychiatrist 2, (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, P25688 38 03/11/25 06/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
182497 Psychiatrist 2, (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, Southern Tier Day Treatment Program at BOCES, P25689 38 03/11/25 06/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
182532 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 22 03/11/25 03/25/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
182484 Registered Nurse 1 - Oneida 18 03/11/25 03/24/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
182527 Habilitation Specialist 1 14 03/11/25 03/25/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
182544 Developmental Disabilities Camp Counselor 1-3 Hourly 03/11/25 05/17/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
182511 Addictions Counselor Assistant 50% (Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center) (NY HELPS) 11 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
182512 Addictions Counselor Assistant 50% (Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center) (NY HELPS) 11 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
182513 Registered Nurse 1 (Psychiatric) (Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center) (Evenings) (NY HELPS) 18 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
182514 Registered Nurse 1 (Psychiatric) (Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center) (Nights) (NY HELPS) 18 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
182508 Payroll Assistant/Trainee - Broome 09 03/11/25 03/25/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
182490 Addictions Counselor 1 (McPike ATC) (NY HELPS) 16 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
182491 Addictions Counselor 1 (McPike ATC) (NY HELPS) 16 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
182492 Addictions Counselor 2 (McPike ATC) (NY HELPS) 18 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
182496 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (McPike ATC) (NY HELPS) 19 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
182499 Registered Nurse 1 (Psychiatric) (McPike Addiction Treatment Center) (Nights) (NY HELPS) 18 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
182500 Registered Nurse 1 (Psychiatric) (Nights) (McPike Addiction Treatment Center) (NY HELPS) 18 03/11/25 03/24/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
182538 Office Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) 06 03/11/25 03/26/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182504 Project Assistant 18 03/11/25 03/26/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182555 Tax Compliance Agent 1 (NY HELPS) 14 03/11/25 03/26/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182558 Tax Compliance Agent 1 (NY HELPS) 14 03/11/25 03/26/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182552 Public Information Specialist 2 - (NYHELPS) - Region 8 23 03/11/25 03/26/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
182515 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) NYHELPS 24 03/11/25 03/25/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182562 Senior Certification Analyst 18 03/11/25 04/11/25 Empire State Development, NYS Onondaga
182485 Internal Auditor 1, G-18 or Internal Auditor Trainee 1, G-NS (NY HELPS– NO EXAM REQUIRED) 18 03/11/25 03/21/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Onondaga
182487 Highway Safety Program Representative - (NY HELPS - NO EXAM REQUIRED) 21 03/11/25 03/21/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
182486 Internal Auditor 1, G-18 or Internal Auditor Trainee 1, G-NS (NY HELPS– NO EXAM REQUIRED) 18 03/11/25 03/21/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Monroe
182577 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/11/25 03/25/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Suffolk
182578 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/11/25 03/25/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Ulster
182543 Office Assistant 2 (NY HELPS) 09 03/11/25 03/14/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Albany
182546 Licensing Services Clerk, Licensing Services Clerk Trainee (NY HELPS), Box OP-1827/19551 09 03/11/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Albany
182549 Licensing Services Clerk, Licensing Services Clerk Trainee (NY HELPS), Box OP-1825/19464 09 03/11/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Albany
182542 Licensing Services Clerk, Licensing Services Clerk Trainee (NY HELPS), Box OP-1860/04167 09 03/11/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Albany
182483 Licensing Services Clerk, Licensing Services Clerk Trainee (NY HELPS), Box OHE-1294/19561 09 03/11/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Albany
182528 Support Services Assistant, Box ACS-3201/95790 NS 03/11/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Nassau
182579 Senior Accountant/Accountant Trainee 1/2 - Albany (NY HELPS) 18 03/11/25 03/25/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182563 Senior Attorney/Assistant Attorney 1/2/3 (NY HELPS) WCB Item #8000 25 03/11/25 06/09/25 Workers' Compensation Board To Be Determined
182545 Health System Specialist 1 (EMC) - EMS Instructional Standards and Compliance Unit Specialist - (BEMS) (NY HELPS) - 52102 18 03/11/25 04/07/25 Health, Department of To Be Determined
182510 Office Assistant 2 (Stores/Mail) - VID 182510 09 03/11/25 03/21/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182520 Land Surveyor Technician 2 (NY HELPS) - VID 182520 16 03/11/25 03/21/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182529 Land Surveyor Technician 1 (NY HELPS) - VID 182529 13 03/11/25 03/21/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182531 Office Assistant 1 (Stores/Mail) - VID 182531 06 03/11/25 03/21/25 General Services, Office of New York
182516 Information Technology Specialist 3 - 8645 23 03/11/25 03/26/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182517 Administrative Specialist 1 - 8862 18 03/11/25 03/26/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182502 Information Systems Auditor 1 (SG-23)Item# 02928 23 03/11/25 04/11/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182524 Employees’ Retirement System Examiner 2, SG-12 (NYHELPS) Item# 07729 12 03/11/25 03/21/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182564 Information Technology Specialist 2, SG-18(NYHELPS) Item# 00738 18 03/11/25 03/25/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182417 Deputy Corporate Secretary 13 03/10/25 03/21/25 Power Authority Westchester
182436 Office Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) 06 03/10/25 03/24/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
182477 Project Attorney: Litigate Adult Survivors Act Claims - Buffalo (3776) NS 03/10/25 04/11/25 Attorney General, Office of the Erie
182476 Assistant Attorney General, NYC Litigation Bureau (3775) NS 03/10/25 04/11/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
182478 Project Attorney: Litigate Adult Survivors Act Claims - Rochester(3776) NS 03/10/25 04/11/25 Attorney General, Office of the Monroe
182387 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 (NY Helps) 14 03/10/25 03/20/25 SUNY Plattsburgh Clinton
182394 University Police Communications & Security Specialist 1(NYS HELPS) 10 03/10/25 03/25/25 SUNY Plattsburgh Clinton
182472 Licensed Master Social Worker 50%(South Beach ATC) 20 03/10/25 03/25/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
182430 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/10/25 03/21/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
182434 Dietitian 2 - Hudson Valley 18 03/10/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
182432 Program Operations Specialist 2 23 03/10/25 03/24/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Albany
182465 Office Assistant 2 (Calculations) 09 03/10/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
182416 Senior Health Care Fiscal Analyst/ Health Care Fiscal Analyst Trainee – Two positions, Central Office; 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182445 Mental Health Program Specialist 2, Central Office; 23 03/10/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182396 Mental Health Program Specialist 2 (Clinical) (NY HELPS), Central Office; 23 03/10/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182397 Mental Health Program Manager 1, Central Office; 664 03/10/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182393 Assistant Director Nursing 1 (Psychiatric) (NY HELPS), Central Office; 661 03/10/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182474 Rehabilitation Counselor 2 - EOA#: 2025-088 19 03/10/25 03/24/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
182438 Office Assistant 2 - Keyboarding, (NYS HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Auburn Satellite Unit, P25679 09 03/10/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Cayuga
182435 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Elmira Satellite Unit, P25678 18 03/10/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
182418 Trades Generalist, Central Office; NS 03/10/25 04/10/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
182390 Health Information Management Administrator 3, (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, P25673 22 03/10/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182391 Health Information Management Administrator 1, (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, P25672 17 03/10/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182422 Facility Operations Assistant 1 (Labor) – Central Office; NS 03/10/25 04/10/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
182441 Trades Generalist – 2 positions , Central Office; 12 03/10/25 04/10/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
182392 Health Information Management Technician 1, (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25674 13 03/10/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182427 Dietitian 2 (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25674 18 03/10/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182448 Maintenance Assistant - Central Office; 09 03/10/25 04/10/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182452 Head Cook, New York City Children's Center, Queens Campus, P25681 15 03/10/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182433 Supervising Housekeeper, St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25677 11 03/10/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
182450 Registered Nurse 3 Infection Control, (NY HELPS), Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Services, Bridgeview, Ogdensburg, STARC, P25680 22 03/10/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
182423 Fire and Safety Representative (NY HELPS) 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Westchester
182429 Associate Commissioner of Administration (Financial Management) NS 03/10/25 03/25/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Rensselaer
182447 Youth Support Specialist (Hourly) NS 03/10/25 04/14/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182426 Teacher 2, 3, 4 (NY HELPS) 17 03/10/25 04/14/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182428 Dentist 1 (50%) (NY HELPS) 30 03/10/25 05/19/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182449 Dental Assistant (50%) 08 03/10/25 05/19/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182389 Cook (Hourly) NS 03/10/25 03/25/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Cayuga
182457 Manager Information Technology Services 2, SG-29 Item #00304 29 03/10/25 03/24/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182421 Information Technology Specialist 2 (Programming) SG-18(NYHELPS) Item#00521(Multiple) 18 03/10/25 03/24/25 State Comptroller, Office of the New York
182403 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPs) - 8603 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182404 Information Technology Specialist 2 Programming (NY HELPs) - 8768 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182405 Project Coordinator - 8539 NS 03/10/25 03/25/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182406 Information Technology Specialist 3 Programming - 8545 23 03/10/25 03/25/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182407 Information Technology Specialist 4 - 8858 25 03/10/25 03/25/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182409 Project Coordinator - 8903 NS 03/10/25 03/25/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182413 Public Safety Program Specialist 3 25 03/10/25 03/24/25 Criminal Justice Services, Division of Albany
182395 Administrative Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) - VID 182395 11 03/10/25 03/20/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182470 Information Technology Spec 1 - End User Services Team 14 03/10/25 03/25/25 Insurance Fund, State Albany
182463 Information Technology Spec 2 Prog Application Development 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Insurance Fund, State Albany
182400 Equal Opportunity Specialist 1 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Insurance Fund, State Erie
182439 Health Systems Specialist 1 (EMC) – EMS Task Force District Captain – (BEMS) (NY HELPS) 18 03/10/25 04/07/25 Health, Department of To Be Determined
182424 Supervisor Veterans Home Fiscal Administration (NY HELPS) - 91128 661 03/10/25 04/30/25 Health, Department of Westchester
182442 Senior Sanitarian (NY HELPS) – 46003 18 03/10/25 03/24/25 Health, Department of Onondaga
182453 Business Systems Analyst 2 (Health) (NY HELPS) - 00282 23 03/10/25 03/24/25 Health, Department of Albany
182464 Health Education Media Specialist 3 - 99919 23 03/10/25 03/24/25 Health, Department of Albany
182459 Immigrant Workers Specialist 1- Middletown 18 03/10/25 03/24/25 Labor, Department of Orange
182460 Immigrant Workers Specialist 1- Syracuse 18 03/10/25 03/24/25 Labor, Department of Onondaga
182473 Labor Services Representative/Trainee 1/2 - Syracuse (NY HELPS) 16 03/10/25 03/24/25 Labor, Department of Onondaga
182471 Investigative Officer 1/Trainee- Buffalo (NY HELPS) 16 03/10/25 03/25/25 Labor, Department of Erie
182410 Registered Nurse 1 (Substitute) (NY HELPS), Box ROM-451/00251 NS 03/10/25 03/31/25 Education Department, State Oneida
182451 Education Finance Specialist 1, Education Finance Specialist Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3270/00823 18 03/10/25 03/31/25 Education Department, State Albany
182440 Professional Engineer 1 (Electrical) (NY HELPS) Box OHE-1280/04339 24 03/10/25 03/31/25 Education Department, State Albany
182443 Food Programs Evaluation Specialist 1, Food Programs Evaluation Specialist Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), Box OHE-1297/60246 18 03/10/25 03/31/25 Education Department, State Albany
182412 Senior Accountant, Accountant Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), Box CFO-748/44222 18 03/10/25 03/31/25 Education Department, State Albany
182437 Associate Counsel NS 03/10/25 03/31/25 Public Employment Relations Board Albany
182419 Senior Attorney / Assistant Attorney 1 / 2 / 3 - NY HELPS NS 03/10/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Essex
182420 Maintenance Assistant Hourly 03/10/25 03/24/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Jefferson
182456 Project Manager 2 (NY HELPS - NO EXAM REQUIRED) 23 03/10/25 03/21/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
182444 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) NYHELPS 24 03/10/25 03/25/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182467 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Westchester
182402 Business Document Specialist 1/ Trainee 1 (NY HELPS) - Vacancy ID# 182402 09 03/10/25 03/24/25 State, Department of Albany
182458 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Suffolk
182425 Taxpayer Services Specialist 1 (NY HELPS) 14 03/10/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182466 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182462 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 03/10/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Onondaga
182292 Senior Attorney/Assistant Attorney 1, 2, 3 25 03/07/25 03/22/25 Justice Center For The Protection Of People With Special Needs Albany
182353 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 03/07/25 06/30/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
182356 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 03/07/25 06/30/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
182357 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 03/07/25 06/30/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
182358 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 03/07/25 06/30/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
182362 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 03/07/25 06/30/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
182336 C250026 - Maintenance Assistant, Campus Operations 09 03/07/25 03/20/25 University at Buffalo Erie
182347 Mental Health Therapy Aide - BBHU 09 03/07/25 06/30/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
182348 Mental Health Therapy Aide - BBHU 09 03/07/25 06/30/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
182350 Mental Health Therapy Aide 09 03/07/25 06/30/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
182351 Mental Health Therapy Aide 09 03/07/25 06/30/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
182323 Gender Violence Prevention Administrator - VID 182323 661 03/07/25 03/21/25 Prevention of Domestic Violence, Office for the Albany
182345 Associate Counsel - VID 182345 NS 03/07/25 03/21/25 Office of Cannabis Management Albany
182367 Associate Budgeting Analyst, SG-23 (Personal Services) 23 03/07/25 03/21/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
182355 Associate Budgeting Analyst, SG-23 (Non – Personal Services) 23 03/07/25 03/21/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
182329 Administrative Assistant 1, SG-11 11 03/07/25 03/21/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
182281 Administrative Specialist 2 23 03/07/25 03/22/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
182316 Homeland Security Program Analyst 3 25 03/07/25 03/22/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
182381 Student Intern - Executive Direction (Communications & Marketing) Hourly 03/07/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
182374 Data Analyst 2 (PRIME) 23 03/07/25 03/28/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Albany
182321 Parks and Recreation Aide 6 (Finger Lakes Parks Regional Trail Specialist) NS 03/07/25 04/07/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Tompkins
182349 Park Manager 2 (NY HELPS) - Harriman State Park 21 03/07/25 03/16/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Rockland
182354 Park Manager 3 (NY HELPS) - Harriman State Park 23 03/07/25 03/16/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Rockland
182332 Youth Support Coordinator 1 (NY HELPS) 18 03/07/25 03/22/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182334 Youth Support Assistant (Hourly) NS 03/07/25 04/06/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182352 Cook (Hourly) NS 03/07/25 04/06/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182372 Dentist 1 (50%) (NY HELPS) 30 03/07/25 03/22/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182340 Youth Support Coordinator 1 (NY HELPS) 18 03/07/25 03/22/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182303 Nurse Practitioner Family Health (NY HELPS) 24 03/07/25 04/05/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Oneida
182282 Residential Program Specialist (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25664 16 03/07/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182284 Residential Program Manager 3 (NY HELPS), Bronx Psychiatric 23 03/07/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182314 Registered Nurse 2, Community, (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, Geneva, P25670 20 03/07/25 08/29/25 Mental Health, Office of Ontario
182290 Maintenance Supervisor 1, Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit, P25666 14 03/07/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
182298 Health Information Management Technician 1, (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, P25668 13 03/07/25 06/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
182308 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, P25669 22 03/07/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
182315 Psychologist 2 - Regional/Crisis Unit - EOA #2025-59 23 03/07/25 03/21/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for To Be Determined
182288 Residential Program Manager 3 (NY HELPS), Bronx Psychiatric Center, P25665 23 03/07/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Bronx
182296 Residential Program Specialist (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Brooklyn Campus, P25667 16 03/07/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
182319 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS), South Beach Psychiatric Center, Bensonhurst ACT, P25671 23 03/07/25 05/08/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
182331 Registered Nurse 1 - Oneida 18 03/07/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
182333 Registered Nurse 1 - Oneida 18 03/07/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
182337 Registered Nurse 1 - Oneida 18 03/07/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
182344 Rehabilitation Counselor 2 - Upstate 19 03/07/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
182286 Environmental Specialist 1 / Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 14 03/07/25 03/22/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
182359 Bridge Repair Assistant TR1/TR2/BRA - (Region 8) NS 03/07/25 03/17/25 Transportation, Department of Orange
182361 Bridge Repair Assistant TR1/TR2/BRA - (Region 8) NS 03/07/25 03/17/25 Transportation, Department of Rockland
182291 Program Assistant II NS 03/07/25 04/30/25 Judicial Conduct, State Commission on Albany
182306 Program Outreach Specialist 1, Vacancy ID# 182306 18 03/07/25 03/21/25 State, Department of New York
182322 Part-Time Written Exam Proctor - Carmel - Vacancy ID# 182322 NS 03/07/25 03/14/25 State, Department of Putnam
182364 Office Assistant 1 - (NY HELPS) Region 8 06 03/07/25 03/17/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
182328 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS - Region 7 18 03/07/25 06/07/25 Transportation, Department of Jefferson
182335 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) NYHELPS - Region 7 24 03/07/25 06/07/25 Transportation, Department of Jefferson
182341 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) - Region 7 - NY HELPS NS 03/07/25 03/22/25 Transportation, Department of Clinton
182382 Paralegal, MWBE NS 03/07/25 06/07/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
182383 Project Associate, Capital Access, SSBCI NS 03/07/25 06/07/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
182384 Project Associate, Loans & Grants NS 03/07/25 06/07/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
182373 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/07/25 03/21/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Delaware
182375 Forestry Technician 1 Hourly 03/07/25 03/21/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Delaware
182330 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil) - NY HELPS (2 Positions) 24 03/07/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Albany
182371 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/07/25 03/21/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Steuben
182379 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/07/25 03/21/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Schenectady
182326 Environmental Program Specialist 1 / Trainee 1 / 2 - NY HELPS NS 03/07/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Ulster
182366 Diversity and Inclusion Specialist 2 (NY HELPS) 23 03/07/25 03/21/25 Civil Service, Department of Albany
182376 Assistant Counsel 661 03/07/25 03/27/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Albany
182338 Program Research Specialist 1/Trainee 1/2 (Human Services)- Albany (NY HELPS) 18 03/07/25 03/24/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182378 Maintenance Assistant 09 03/07/25 03/21/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182380 Administrative Assistant 1/Trainee 1/2- Albany (NYHELPS) 11 03/07/25 03/21/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182300 Internal Audit & Control Intern- Hourly - Albany NS 03/07/25 04/18/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182304 Utility Engineering Specialist 1, Grade 18 (NY HELPS) 18 03/07/25 03/22/25 Public Service, Department of Onondaga
182302 Utility Engineering Specialist 1, Grade 18 (NY HELPS) 18 03/07/25 03/22/25 Public Service, Department of Albany
182293 Auditor 1/Auditor Trainee 1/2 - Rochester (NY HELPS) 18 03/07/25 03/21/25 Labor, Department of Monroe
182343 Social Work Supervisor 1 - New York State Veterans Home at Oxford 23 03/07/25 04/25/25 Health, Department of Chenango
182346 Public Health Program Nurse (NY HELPS) - 24503 24 03/07/25 03/21/25 Health, Department of Albany
182342 Motor Vehicle Operator - VID 182342 07 03/07/25 06/17/25 General Services, Office of Albany
182310 Communications Specialist 1 (State Police) 12 03/07/25 04/07/25 State Police, Division of Albany
182301 Communications Specialist 1 (State Police) 12 03/07/25 04/07/25 State Police, Division of Essex
182307 Communications Specialist 1 (State Police) 12 03/07/25 04/07/25 State Police, Division of Delaware
182311 Communications Specialist 1 (State Police) 12 03/07/25 04/07/25 State Police, Division of Dutchess
182313 Communications Specialist 1 (State Police) 12 03/07/25 04/07/25 State Police, Division of Suffolk
182312 Communications Specialist 1 (State Police) 12 03/07/25 04/07/25 State Police, Division of Westchester
182309 Communications Specialist 1 (State Police) 12 03/07/25 04/07/25 State Police, Division of Orange
182317 Public Information Specialist 1 (Digital Content) 18 03/07/25 04/07/25 Criminal Justice Services, Division of Albany
182289 Auditor 1/Trainee 18 03/07/25 03/17/25 Criminal Justice Services, Division of Albany
182339 Information Technology Specialist 3 - Info Security 23 03/07/25 03/26/25 Board of Elections Albany
182324 Information Technology Specialist 3-Information Security 23 03/07/25 03/26/25 Board of Elections Albany
182369 Assistant Public Information Officer - PCFB NS 03/07/25 03/28/25 Board of Elections Albany
182318 Contract Management Specialist 1 (SG-18), Contract Management Specialist Trainee 2 (Equated to SG-16), Contract Management Specialist Trainee 1 (Equated to SG-14)(NYHELPS) ITEM #01648 18 03/07/25 03/21/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182320 State Program Examiner 1, SG-18, State Program Examiner Trainee 2, SG-16, State Program Examiner Trainee 1, SG-14(NYHELPS)Item# 03310(Multiple) 18 03/07/25 03/21/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182194 Addictions Counselor 2 (Kingsboro ATC) 18 03/06/25 03/21/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
182223 Senior Field Representative - Baruch College NS 03/06/25 04/30/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
182278 Opportunity Programs Analyst (2 positions)-Albany, NY and NYC Office NS 03/06/25 03/27/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
182196 Fire Protection Specialist 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Westchester
182192 Fire Protection Specialist 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Monroe
182193 Fire Protection Specialist 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Monroe
182187 Fire Protection Specialist 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Schuyler
182189 Fire Protection Specialist 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Dutchess
182233 Trust Compliance Associate (Financial Services Specialist 4 (Compliance), SG-27) 27 03/06/25 05/06/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182180 Voting Rights Analyst: Enforce NY Voting Rights Act - Rochester (6378) NS 03/06/25 04/04/25 Attorney General, Office of the Monroe
182172 Voting Rights Analyst: Enforce NY Voting Rights Act - Buffalo (6377) NS 03/06/25 04/04/25 Attorney General, Office of the Erie
182237 Attorney: Prosecute Medicaid Fraud & Nursing Home Abuse (3774) NS 03/06/25 04/11/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
182169 Voting Rights Analyst: Enforce NY Voting Rights Act - Albany (6376) NS 03/06/25 04/04/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
182168 Voting Rights Analyst: Enforce NY Voting Rights Act - NYC (6375) NS 03/06/25 04/04/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
182160 Facilities Operations Assistant 1 06 03/06/25 03/15/25 SUNY Plattsburgh Clinton
182181 Office Assistant 2 (NY HELPS) 09 03/06/25 03/16/25 University at Albany Albany
182173 Administrative Assistant 1; Trainee 1 & 2 (NY HELPS) 11 03/06/25 03/16/25 University at Albany New York
182176 Administrative Assistant 1; Trainee 1 & 2 (NY HELPS) 11 03/06/25 03/16/25 University at Albany New York
182162 Administrative Assistant 1 - Office of Parking & Transportation - NY HELPS 11 03/06/25 03/15/25 SUNY Brockport Monroe
182197 Special Assistant to the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs NS 03/06/25 05/16/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
182184 Executive Assistant for Provost and Research Foundation NS 03/06/25 05/16/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
182188 Executive Assistant to the Office of Workforce Development NS 03/06/25 05/16/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
182195 Program Operations Specialist 1 / Trainee (3 Positions) - Development Unit-Manhattan - EOA #2025-54 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for New York
182241 Standards Compliance Analyst 1 Developmental Disabilities 18 03/06/25 03/19/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for New York
182190 Senior Attorney 25 03/06/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Albany
182167 Associate Attorney 28 03/06/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Albany
182222 Licensed Master Social Worker - EOA #25-135ebk 20 03/06/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
182257 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), South Beach Psychiatric Center, Bensonhurst ACT program, P25662 20 03/06/25 05/08/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
182243 Licensed Master Social Worker - Regional/Crisis Unit - EOA #2025-55 20 03/06/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for To Be Determined
182245 Associate Psychologist - Regional/Crisis Unit - EOA #2025-56 23 03/06/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for To Be Determined
182258 Licensed Psychologist - Region 4-Crisis - EOA #2025-58 25 03/06/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for To Be Determined
182186 Licensed Master Social Worker - QMTA Willowbrook-Manhattan & Queens - EOA #2025-53 20 03/06/25 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for To Be Determined
182205 Residential Program Specialist (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25656 16 03/06/25 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182270 Deputy Commissioner, Central Office; NS 03/06/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182163 Psychiatrist 3 Children & Youth, New York City Children's Center, Bronx Campus, P25654 38 03/06/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Bronx
182199 Chief of Forensic Unit 1 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Elmira CF, P25655 662 03/06/25 04/10/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
182264 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25663 11 03/06/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
182151 Rehabilitation Counselor 1, (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatic Center, P25652 17 03/06/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182156 Rehabilitation Assistant 1, (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25653 11 03/06/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182150 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center, P25651 18 03/06/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
182244 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, P25628 14 03/06/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182273 Psychiatrist 1 and 2 (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, P25659 38 03/06/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182275 Psychiatrist 1 and 2 (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, Peconic Center, P25660 38 03/06/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182276 Psychiatrist 1 and 2 (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, Yaphank Center, P25661 38 03/06/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
182259 Youth Support Specialist (Permanent) 14 03/06/25 03/24/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Oneida
182263 Youth Support Assistant (Permanent) 09 03/06/25 03/24/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Oneida
182161 Youth Support Specialist (Permanent) 14 03/06/25 04/07/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
182152 Senior Accountant/Senior Accountant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) NS 03/06/25 03/21/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Rensselaer
182185 Administrative Assistant 1 / Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) 08 03/06/25 03/21/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Rensselaer
182256 Children and Family Services Specialist 1 (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/21/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Rensselaer
182153 Teacher 2, 3, 4 (NY HELPS) 17 03/06/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182213 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS) 19 03/06/25 05/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182217 Youth Support Specialist (Permanent) 14 03/06/25 03/31/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182221 Youth Support Specialist (Hourly) NS 03/06/25 03/31/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182225 Youth Support Assistant (Permanent) 09 03/06/25 03/31/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182246 Youth Support Assistant (Hourly) NS 03/06/25 03/31/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182248 Youth Facility Assistant Director 3 (Treatment Services) 661 03/06/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182255 Youth Support Coordinator 1 (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/27/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
182159 Parks and Recreation Aide 5 (Fairhaven Beach Stewardship Project Technician) Hourly 03/06/25 04/06/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Cayuga
182183 Park and Recreation Aide 5 (Safety Department) NS 03/06/25 03/20/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Niagara
182210 Youth Support Specialist (Permanent) 14 03/06/25 03/21/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Cayuga
182211 Youth Support Specialist (Hourly) NS 03/06/25 03/21/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Cayuga
182239 Senior Accountant or Accountant Trainee 1 or 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 06/06/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
182250 Identification Specialist 1 14 03/06/25 03/16/25 Criminal Justice Services, Division of Albany
182252 Student Assistant NS 03/06/25 03/16/25 Criminal Justice Services, Division of Albany
182171 Information Technology Specialist 2 - 6566 18 03/06/25 03/21/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182174 Manager Information Technology Services 1 - 8889 27 03/06/25 03/21/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182158 Manager Information Technology Services 1 - 2036 27 03/06/25 03/17/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182268 Maintenance Assistant 09 03/06/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Cattaraugus
182254 Assistant Chief Executive Officer (Director of Information Systems Quality Assurance and Improvement) - VID 182254 NS 03/06/25 03/21/25 Alcoholic Beverage Control Albany
182214 Program Aide 13 03/06/25 03/21/25 Insurance Fund, State Broome
182219 Program Aide 13 03/06/25 03/21/25 Insurance Fund, State Erie
182220 Program Aide 13 03/06/25 03/21/25 Insurance Fund, State Onondaga
182240 Assistant Public Information Officer - 99916 NS 03/06/25 03/20/25 Health, Department of New York
182267 Senior Sanitarian (NY HELPS) - 46743 18 03/06/25 03/21/25 Health, Department of New York
182155 Associate Counsel - 03001 663 03/06/25 03/20/25 Health, Department of New York
182260 Chemist Aide (13 Positions) - 12701-12713 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 Health, Department of Albany
182224 Public Health Educator (NY HELPS) - 15012 22 03/06/25 04/01/25 Health, Department of Albany
182231 Senior Administrative Analyst/Administrative Analyst Trainee 1/2- Albany (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 Labor, Department of New York
182165 Senior Employment Security Clerk (Hourly) - Endicott GTCC 09 03/06/25 04/04/25 Labor, Department of Broome
182164 Senior Employment Security Clerk (Hourly) - Albany CDTCC 09 03/06/25 04/04/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182166 Office Assistant 2 Stores/Mail - Albany (NY HELPS) 09 03/06/25 03/20/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182226 Senior Employment Security Clerk- Albany (NY HELPS) 09 03/06/25 03/20/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182228 Senior Employment Security Clerk (Spanish Language) - Albany (NY HELPS) 09 03/06/25 03/20/25 Labor, Department of Albany
182209 Parks and Recreation Aide 6 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Warren
182212 Parks and Recreation Aide 3 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Warren
182218 Parks and Recreation Aide 4 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Warren
182227 Parks and Recreation Aide 3 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Warren
182198 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Oneida
182204 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Oneida
182247 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Livingston
182251 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Livingston
182261 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 (Two Positions) Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Livingston
182200 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Jefferson
182207 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Jefferson
182271 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Erie
182277 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Erie
182266 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Cattaraugus
182269 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Cattaraugus
182272 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Cattaraugus
182274 Fish and Wildlife Technician 1 Hourly 03/06/25 03/20/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Cattaraugus
182191 Hearing Officer 1 Parole Revocation 25 03/06/25 03/19/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of New York
182216 Paralegal NS 03/06/25 06/06/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
182235 Senior Certification Analyst 18 03/06/25 04/06/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
182215 Senior Accountant/ Trainee 1-2 (NY HELPS), NYC - Vacancy ID# 182215 18 03/06/25 03/20/25 State, Department of New York
182202 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Kings
182208 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Monroe
182232 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Queens
182206 Office Assistant 1 (HELPS) 06 03/06/25 03/20/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182203 Office Assistant 1 (HELPS) 06 03/06/25 03/20/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182249 Senior Administrative Analyst (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/21/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182238 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 03/06/25 03/25/25 Taxation & Finance, State Erie
182149 Principal Engineering Technician (NYHELPS) 16 03/06/25 03/20/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182242 Land Surveyor Trainee/Assistant Land Surveyor Region 5 Design (NY HELPS) NS 03/06/25 03/20/25 Transportation, Department of Erie
182280 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS (Region 4) 24 03/06/25 03/22/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
182137 Administrative Assistant 11 03/05/25 03/20/25 SUNY Fredonia Chautauqua
182118 Head Coach Women's Basketball NS 03/05/25 03/26/25 SUNY Old Westbury Nassau
182122 Summer 2025 Temp Hourly Maintenance Assistant 1 09 03/05/25 03/01/26 University at Albany Albany
182123 Summer 2025 Temp Hourly Cleaner 05 03/05/25 03/01/26 University at Albany Albany
182124 Summer 2025 Temp Hourly Facility Operations Assistant 1 06 03/05/25 03/01/26 University at Albany Albany
182126 Summer 2025 Temp Hourly Facility Operations Assistant 1 (Grounds) 06 03/05/25 03/01/26 University at Albany Albany
182103 Administrative Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) - VID 182103 11 03/05/25 03/17/25 Office of Cannabis Management Albany
182104 Deputy Director (Executive Deputy Director of Health & Scientific Affairs) - VID 182104 NS 03/05/25 03/28/25 Office of Cannabis Management Albany
182106 Deputy Director (Executive Deputy Director of Health & Scientific Affairs) - VID 182106 NS 03/05/25 03/28/25 Office of Cannabis Management New York
182129 Assistant Deputy Superintendent for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics, NS NS 03/05/25 05/06/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182133 Assistant Deputy Superintendent of Virtual Currency Strategy, NS NS 03/05/25 05/06/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182142 Assistant Deputy Superintendent for Strategy, NS NS 03/05/25 05/06/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182075 Construction Project Manager 25 03/05/25 03/31/25 State University Construction Fund Albany
182076 Design Project Manager 25 03/05/25 03/31/25 State University Construction Fund Albany
182135 Office Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) 06 03/05/25 03/20/25 Thruway Authority New York
182136 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric (Bronx ATC) (NY HELPS) 18 03/05/25 03/20/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
182091 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) 24 03/05/25 03/19/25 Thruway Authority Rockland
182093 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) 24 03/05/25 03/19/25 Thruway Authority Rockland
182094 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) 24 03/05/25 03/19/25 Thruway Authority Rockland
182138 Business System Analyst 1/ Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/05/25 03/20/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Albany
182144 Park and Recreation Aide 3 - Mine Kill State Park Hourly 03/05/25 03/21/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of New York
182100 Parks & Recreation Aide 5 (Harriet Hollister Stewardship Project Technician) - Ganondagan State Historic Site Hourly 03/05/25 04/05/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Ontario
182105 Psychiatrist 1 (Children and Youth) / Psychiatrist 2 (Children and Youth) (NY HELPS), Rockland Childrens Psychiatric Center, P25648 38 03/05/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
182078 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Queens Campu, P25641 18 03/05/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
182084 Nutrition Services Administrator 1, (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25644 20 03/05/25 03/19/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
182092 Dentist 2, (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25646 32 03/05/25 03/19/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
182098 Physical Therapist (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25647 20 03/05/25 03/19/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
182117 Licensed Master Social Worker 20 03/05/25 03/19/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
182120 Maintenance Supervisor 2 17 03/05/25 03/19/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
182134 Maintenance Supervisor 3 19 03/05/25 03/19/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
182110 Trades Generalist, Bronx Psychiatric Center, P25649 12 03/05/25 04/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Bronx
182072 Food Service Worker 2 (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25639 09 03/05/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182074 Social Work Assistant 2, (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25640 17 03/05/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182083 Data Analyst 2, Central Office 23 03/05/25 03/20/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182085 Occupation Therapist (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25645 20 03/05/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182077 Safety and Security Officer 1 / Trainee (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25642 NS 03/05/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182088 Administrative Assistant 1 / Trainee (Former Secretary 1) (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25643 NS 03/05/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
182086 Licensed Master Social Worker - EOA #25-134ebk 20 03/05/25 03/19/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
182073 Maintenance Supervisor 3 - Broome 19 03/05/25 03/18/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
182115 Research Scientist 4 (Health Services Research) 27 03/05/25 03/19/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for New York
182101 Human Resources Specialist 1 / Trainee 1 or 2 18 03/05/25 03/18/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
182132 Trades Generalist – CNY DDSO 12 03/05/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
182143 Traffic Systems Technician 1/Trainee 2/Trainee 1 (NY HELPS) Region 4 NS 03/05/25 04/05/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
182139 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS 24 03/05/25 03/20/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182089 Construction Specialist 1 Transportation (NY HELPS) 19 03/05/25 03/20/25 Transportation, Department of Queens
182131 Administrative Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) 11 03/05/25 03/19/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182116 Taxpayer Services Specialist 1(NY Helps) 14 03/05/25 03/19/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
182145 Program Assistant II NS 03/05/25 04/30/25 Judicial Conduct, State Commission on New York
182146 Writer/Investigative Analyst NS 03/05/25 04/30/25 Judicial Conduct, State Commission on New York
182147 Staff Attorney NS 03/05/25 04/30/25 Judicial Conduct, State Commission on New York
182148 Administrative Assistant NS 03/05/25 04/30/25 Judicial Conduct, State Commission on Monroe
182111 Assistant Engineer / Engineer Trainee (Environmental) - NY HELPS NS 03/05/25 03/26/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Jefferson
182097 Administrative Assistant NS 03/05/25 03/20/25 Civil Service, Department of Albany
182068 Administrative Assistant 1, Administrative Assistant Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3266/00827 11 03/05/25 03/19/25 Education Department, State Oneida
182070 Office Assistant 2 (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3261/19443 09 03/05/25 03/19/25 Education Department, State Erie
182071 Office Assistant 2 (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3260/19711 09 03/05/25 03/19/25 Education Department, State Erie
182069 Office Assistant 1 (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3264/00498 06 03/05/25 03/19/25 Education Department, State Orange
182067 Office Assistant 1 (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3268/03827 06 03/05/25 03/19/25 Education Department, State Albany
182119 Physical Therapist (NY HELPS) 20 03/05/25 03/19/25 Health, Department of Genesee
182125 Occupational Therapist (NY HELPS) 20 03/05/25 03/19/25 Health, Department of Genesee
182107 Research Scientist 1 - Analytical Chemistry - 11870 18 03/05/25 03/19/25 Health, Department of Albany
182079 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee (NY HELPS) - 11193 11 03/05/25 03/19/25 Health, Department of Albany
182140 Senior Counsel for Risk and Compliance - 02308 NS 03/05/25 03/19/25 Health, Department of Albany
182081 Information Technology Specialist 2 - Hourly - 8757 NS 03/05/25 03/19/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182087 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPs) - 8137 18 03/05/25 03/20/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182090 Information Technology Specialist 2 Programming - 8285 18 03/05/25 03/20/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182042 Maintenance Supervisor 1 (Toll Equipment) 16 03/04/25 03/18/25 Thruway Authority Albany
182025 Toll Electronic Systems Technician 14 03/04/25 04/30/25 Thruway Authority Rockland
182047 Virtual Currency Data Governance Senior Analyst (Financial Services Specialist 2 (Policy Analysis), SG-23) 23 03/04/25 04/08/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
182010 Legal Support Analyst, Support Litigation Bureau Attorneys (6374) NS 03/04/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
182054 Senior Accountant (NY HELPS) 18 03/04/25 03/18/25 Homes and Community Renewal Queens
181998 Attorney: Handle NYS Red Flag Cases, Prevent Gun Violence(3773) NS 03/04/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the Clinton
182011 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/04/25 03/18/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
182020 Information Technology Specialist (ITS) 2/ ITS 2 Programming (NY HELPS) 18 03/04/25 03/18/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
182033 Information Technology Specialist (ITS) 2/ ITS 2 Programming (NY HELPS) 18 03/04/25 03/18/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
182000 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/04/25 03/18/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
182005 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/04/25 03/18/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
181992 Summer 2025 Temp Hourly Facility Operations Assistant 1 (Grounds) 06 03/04/25 08/01/25 University at Albany Albany
181997 Plant Superintendent A - Bernard Fineson DDSO 25 03/04/25 03/18/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Queens
182012 Program Aide - Hudson Valley 13 03/04/25 03/17/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
182064 Medical Specialist 2 38 03/04/25 03/18/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
182063 Habilitation Specialist 1 14 03/04/25 03/19/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
182041 Human Resources Specialist 1 - EOA#: 2025-082 18 03/04/25 03/18/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
182034 Training Specialist 1 (Mental Hygiene)/Training Specialist Trainee (Mental Hygiene) (NY HELPS), Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25638 NS 03/04/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181980 Food Service Worker 2, (NY HELPS), Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Oakview, Marcy, P25634 09 03/04/25 03/18/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
182014 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, Herkimer Clinic P25636 38 03/04/25 06/27/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
182016 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, York St. Clinic P25637 38 03/04/25 06/27/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
181979 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Elmira Satellite Unit, P25633 11 03/04/25 05/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
181985 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS) 25 03/04/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Columbia
181986 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS) 19 03/04/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Columbia
181987 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS) 23 03/04/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Columbia
181988 Psychologist 2 (NY HELPS) 23 03/04/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Columbia
181989 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS) 20 03/04/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Columbia
181982 Registered Nurse 1 (NY HELPS) 18 03/04/25 06/04/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
181984 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS) 20 03/04/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182029 Youth Facility Assistant Director 3 (Treatment Services) 661 03/04/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182030 Cook (Permanent) 11 03/04/25 04/03/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
182007 Veterans Benefit Advisor 1 - VID 182007 18 03/04/25 03/19/25 Veterans' Services, Department of Bronx
182009 Veterans Benefit Advisor 1 - VID 182009 18 03/04/25 03/20/25 Veterans' Services, Department of Albany
182053 Project Assistant NS 03/04/25 04/04/25 Criminal Justice Services, Division of Albany
182039 Senior Accountant/Trainee, Ref #8441 18 03/04/25 03/14/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
182044 Program Aide (NY HELPS) 13 03/04/25 03/19/25 Human Rights, Division of Bronx
182002 Public Information Specialist 3 (Digital Content), SG-25Item#08637 25 03/04/25 03/18/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182006 Information Technology Specialist 2 Programming SG-18(NYHELPS)Item#00316 18 03/04/25 04/04/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
182056 Private Markets Investment Manager NS 03/04/25 04/11/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
182057 Junior Investment Analyst (Multiple Positions) NS 03/04/25 04/11/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
182058 Senior Quantitative Analyst NS 03/04/25 04/11/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
182061 Deputy Counsel for Policy & Legislation NS 03/04/25 03/21/25 Executive Chamber of New York State Albany
182050 Health Program Administrator (NY HELPS) – 45423 18 03/04/25 03/18/25 Health, Department of Albany
182018 Child Care Aide 1, Box BAT-503/00721 09 03/04/25 03/18/25 Education Department, State Genesee
182023 Public Health Field Services Representative 2 (NY HELPS) - 23570 23 03/04/25 03/18/25 Health, Department of Suffolk
182021 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 9 Sullivan) 12 03/04/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Sullivan
182022 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 9 Tioga) 12 03/04/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Tioga
182013 Education Credentials Specialist 1, Education Credentials Specialist Trainee 1, Education Credentials Specialist Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) Box OP-1864/21232 18 03/04/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Albany
182008 Archives and Records Management Specialist 3 (NY HELPS), Box OCE-1449/26201 23 03/04/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Albany
182003 Education Program Assistant 1, Education Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), Box OHE-1256/13622 14 03/04/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Albany
182001 Senior Attorney, Assistant Attorney 1 (NY HELPS), Box OHE-1274/14710 25 03/04/25 03/25/25 Education Department, State Albany
182015 Project Assistant NS 03/04/25 03/14/25 Higher Education Services Corporation Albany
182038 Administrative Assistant (Executive Assistant) NS 03/04/25 03/19/25 Civil Service, Department of Albany
182060 Maintenance Assistant Hourly 03/04/25 03/18/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Lewis
181993 Professional Land Surveyor 1 - NY HELPS 24 03/04/25 03/19/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Essex
182062 Parks and Recreation Aide 6 Hourly 03/04/25 03/18/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Essex
182049 Senior Attorney NS 03/04/25 03/31/25 Judicial Conduct, State Commission on New York
181994 Student Assistant NS 03/04/25 05/30/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
181995 Engineering Intern NS 03/04/25 05/30/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
182026 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 9 Broome) 12 03/04/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Broome
182065 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS (Region 4) 24 03/04/25 03/20/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
182066 Highway Maintenance Supervisor 1 (NY HELPS) Region 4 13 03/04/25 03/20/25 Transportation, Department of Wyoming
181939 Trial Attorney: Torts Section, Claims Bureau (3771) NS 03/03/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
181967 Special Litigation Counsel: Litigation Bureau Lead Attorney(3772) NS 03/03/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
181881 Senior Attorney Financial Services, SG-25 25 03/03/25 03/31/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
181899 Investigator, NS NS 03/03/25 03/19/25 Financial Services, Department of Monroe
181925 Senior Project Manager NS 03/03/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Queens
181969 Research Scientist 2 22 03/03/25 03/18/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Rensselaer
181976 Hearing Officer 2 27 03/03/25 03/18/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Rensselaer
181875 Youth Support Specialist (Permanent) 14 03/03/25 03/18/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
181957 Registered Nurse 1 (NY HELPS) 18 03/03/25 03/18/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Suffolk
181975 Teacher 2, 3, 4 (NY HELPS) 17 03/03/25 03/18/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Suffolk
181901 Administrative Law Judge/Assistant Administrative Law Judge (NY HELPS) - Bronx County 25 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Bronx
181877 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS) 23 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181880 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS) 25 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181882 Cleaner (Hourly) NS 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181884 Youth Support Coordinator 1 (NY HELPS) 18 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181885 Teacher 4 - Math 7-12 (NY HELPS) 17 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181890 Teacher 4 - Science 7-12 (NY HELPS) 17 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181891 Registered Nurse 1 (Evenings) (NY HELPS) 18 03/03/25 03/18/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181894 Vocational Instructor 1, 2, 3, 4 (NY HELPS) 12 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181908 Youth Support Specialist (Hourly) NS 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181909 Youth Support Specialist 14 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181917 Office Assistant 1 Keyboarding 06 03/03/25 03/30/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Ulster
181949 Program Research Specialist 1/Trainee 1 and 2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/03/25 03/24/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
181878 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Central Office; 25 03/03/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of To Be Determined
181860 Office Assistant 1, (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25619 06 03/03/25 03/20/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
181926 Administrative Assistant 1 / Trainee (Former Secretary 1), Western New York Children's Psychiatric Center, P25627 NS 03/03/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
181907 Psychologist 2, (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25626 23 03/03/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181886 Rehabilitation Counselor 2, (NY HELPS), Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (STARC), Oakview, Marcy, P25622 19 03/03/25 03/18/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
181941 Maintenance Assistant – Central Office; Two Positions NS 03/03/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
181896 Maintenance Assistant, Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25624 09 03/03/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181898 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25625 14 03/03/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181863 Motor Vehicle Operator, Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25620 07 03/03/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181864 Trades Generalist, Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25621 12 03/03/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181868 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 03/03/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
181944 Maintenance Assistant – Central Office; Multiple Positions NS 03/03/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181870 Licensed Practical Nurse - Temp/Hourly 10 03/03/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
181871 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 03/03/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
181873 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 03/03/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
181874 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 03/03/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
181879 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 03/03/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
181888 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 03/03/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
181962 Traffic Systems Technician 1/Trainee 2/Trainee 1 - (NY HELPS) (Region 8) 14 03/03/25 03/18/25 Transportation, Department of Westchester
181964 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) Bridge Inspection Quality Control Engineer - NY HELPS Reg 5 Design 24 03/03/25 03/17/25 Transportation, Department of Erie
181869 Traffic Systems Technician 1/Trainee 2/Trainee 1 (NY HELPS) 14 03/03/25 05/28/25 Transportation, Department of Saratoga
181973 Tax Regulations Specialist 2 (NY HELPS) 23 03/03/25 03/18/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
181872 Tax Regulations Specialist 1 (NY HELPS) 18 03/03/25 03/18/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
181956 Human Resources Specialist 1 (NYHELPS) 18 03/03/25 03/17/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
181865 Operations Support Manager 1 - Vacancy ID#181865 25 03/03/25 03/17/25 State, Department of Albany
181921 Automotive Facilities Inspector, G-16 and Various Languages or Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) - Onondaga County 16 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Onondaga
181904 Administrative Law Judge/Assistant Administrative Law Judge (NY HELPS) - New York County 25 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of New York
181914 Automotive Facilities Inspector, G-16 and Various Languages or Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) - Suffolk County 16 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Suffolk
181915 Automotive Facilities Inspector, G-16 and Various Languages or Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) – Westchester County 16 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Westchester
181905 Administrative Law Judge/Assistant Administrative Law Judge (NY HELPS) - Queens County 25 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Queens
181923 Automotive Facilities Inspector, G-16 and Various Languages or Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) - Queens County 16 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Queens
181906 Administrative Law Judge/Assistant Administrative Law Judge (NY HELPS) - Richmond County 25 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Richmond
181902 Administrative Law Judge/Assistant Administrative Law Judge (NY HELPS) - Kings County 25 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Kings
181922 Automotive Facilities Inspector, G-16 and Various Languages or Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) - Erie County 16 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Erie
181918 Automotive Facilities Inspector, G-16 and Various Languages or Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) - Albany County 16 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
181927 Driver Improvement Examiner, G-11 or Driver Improvement Trainee, G-NS 11 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
181928 Motor Vehicle Representative 1, G-9 (NY HELPS - NO EXAM REQUIRED) 09 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
181930 Motor Vehicle Representative 1, Spanish Language G-9 (NY HELPS) 09 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
181931 Office Assistant 1, G-6 (NY HELPS) 06 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
181932 Senior Attorney/Assistant Attorney 1/2/3 (NY HELPS) 25 03/03/25 04/06/25 Motor Vehicles, Department of Albany
181889 Contract Management Specialist 1 / Trainee 1 / 2 - NY HELPS NS 03/03/25 03/19/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Albany
181903 Senior Attorney / Assistant Attorney 1 / 2 / 3 - NY HELPS NS 03/03/25 03/19/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Albany
181910 Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding) - NY HELPS 06 03/03/25 03/19/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Albany
181934 Assistant Engineer/ Engineer Trainee (Environmental) - NY HELPS NS 03/03/25 03/19/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Albany
181924 Assistant Engineer / Engineer Trainee (Environmental) - NY HELPS NS 03/03/25 03/19/25 Environmental Conservation, Department of Albany
181919 Project Coordinator/Southern Tier Regional Representative, Non-statutory NS 03/03/25 03/24/25 Labor, Department of Broome
181977 Hearing Officer 1 - Albany (NY HELPS) 25 03/03/25 03/25/25 Labor, Department of Albany
181916 Unemployment Insurance Accounts Examiner - Albany (NY HELPS) 13 03/03/25 03/17/25 Labor, Department of Albany
181862 Health Program Administrator (NY HELPS) - 32520 18 03/03/25 03/17/25 Health, Department of Albany
181936 Building Space Analyst 1 (Space Planning) HELPS - VID 181936 18 03/03/25 03/18/25 General Services, Office of Albany
181972 Underwriter 1/Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) 18 03/03/25 03/18/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
181933 Retirement Systems Information Representative 1, SG-18, RS Information Representative Trainee 2, (Equated to SG-16), RS Information Representative Trainee 1, (Equated to SG-14)(NYHELPS)Item#07351(2) 18 03/03/25 03/17/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
181950 Gender Violence Prevention Specialist 2 - VID 181950 23 03/03/25 03/18/25 Domestic Violence, Office for the Prevention of Albany
181948 Gender Violence Prevention Specialist 1 - VID 181948 18 03/03/25 03/18/25 Domestic Violence, Office for the Prevention of Albany
181971 Retirement Systems Information Representative 1, SG-18, RS Information Representative Trainee 2, (Equated to SG-16), RS Information Representative Trainee 1, (Equated to SG-14)(NYHELPS)Item#07913(2) 18 03/03/25 03/17/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Erie
181947 Human Rights Specialist 2 (NY HELPS) 22 03/03/25 03/17/25 Human Rights, Division of Monroe
181953 NYSOC Tier 1 Analyst (Rochester), Information Technology Specialist 3 (Information Security), SG-23, ref #8184R 23 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Monroe
181961 NYSOC Tier 2 Analyst (Rochester), Information Technology Specialist 4 (Information Security), SG-25, ref #8198R 25 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Monroe
181966 NYSOC Shift Lead (Rochester), Manager Information Technology Services 1 (Information Security), SG-27, ref #8207R 27 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Monroe
181943 NYSOC Tier 0 Analyst (Rochester), Information Technology Specialist 2 (Information Security), SG-18, ref #8174R 18 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Monroe
181958 Project Assistant (Grant Writer) Ref# 8337 NS 03/03/25 03/14/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
181959 NYSOC Tier 2 Analyst (Latham), Information Technology Specialist 4 (Information Security), SG-25, ref #8196L 25 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
181965 NYSOC Shift Lead (Latham), Manager Information Technology Services 1 (Information Security), SG-27, ref #8205L 27 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
181942 NYSOC Tier 0 Analyst (Latham), Information Technology Specialist 2 (Information Security), SG-18, ref #8172L 18 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
181951 NYSOC Tier 1 Analyst (Latham), Information Technology Specialist 3 (Information Security), SG-23, ref #8180L 23 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
181946 NYSOC Tier 0 Analyst (Brooklyn), Information Technology Specialist 2 (Information Security), SG-18, ref #8179B 18 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Kings
181955 NYSOC Tier 1 Analyst (Brooklyn), Information Technology Specialist 3 (Information Security), SG-23, ref #8195B 23 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Kings
181963 NYSOC Tier 2 Analyst (Brooklyn), Information Technology Specialist 4 (Information Security), SG-25, ref #8203B 25 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Kings
181968 NYSOC Shift Lead (Brooklyn), Manager Information Technology Services 1 (Information Security), SG-27, ref #8211B 27 03/03/25 03/16/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Kings
181913 Crime Analysis Center Director NS 03/03/25 04/02/25 Criminal Justice Services, Division of New York
181859 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of To Be Determined
181857 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Seneca
181855 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Ulster
181851 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Wyoming
181854 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Greene
181852 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Cayuga
181856 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Chemung
181858 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Dutchess
181853 Inmate Disciplinary Hearing Officer 661 03/02/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Clinton
181753 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) (NY HELPS) 24 02/28/25 05/01/25 Thruway Authority Albany
181754 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) (NY HELPS) 24 02/28/25 05/01/25 Thruway Authority Albany
181781 Attorney I 07 02/28/25 03/14/25 Power Authority Westchester
181800 Homeland Security Program Analyst 1 18 02/28/25 03/15/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
181793 Disaster Preparedness Program Representative 3 (NY HELPS) 23 02/28/25 03/15/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Warren
181785 Investigative Counsel (NYC) NS 02/28/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government New York
181788 Confidential Investigator (NYC) NS 02/28/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government New York
181784 Investigative Counsel (Albany) NS 02/28/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government Albany
181787 Confidential Investigator (Albany) NS 02/28/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government Albany
181791 Assistant Filings Specialist - FDS NS 02/28/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government Albany
181779 Training Associate NS 02/28/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government Albany
181780 Assistant Filings Specialist - Lobbying NS 02/28/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government Albany
181782 Compliance Auditor (Albany) NS 02/28/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government Albany
181846 Financial Services Specialist 1 Compliance, SG-18 18 02/28/25 04/24/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
181849 Senior Deputy Superintendent for Banking Operations, NS NS 02/28/25 04/29/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
181773 Legal Assistant 2 (NY HELPS) - Litigation (NYC) 17 02/28/25 03/14/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
181814 Legal Assistant 1 or Trainee (NY HELPS) - Westchester 14 02/28/25 03/14/25 Attorney General, Office of the Westchester
181842 Legal Assistant 1 or Trainee (NY HELPS) - Health Care Bureau 14 02/28/25 03/14/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
181765 Administrative Assistant 2, Non-Competitive (Non-Permanent Eligible) CSEA 15 02/28/25 03/01/26 University at Albany New York
181845 Business Manager for Digital Innovation and Academic Services Contract NS 02/28/25 05/01/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
181819 Enrollment Database Specialist NS 02/28/25 05/01/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
181794 Internal Investigator 1 (Justice Center) / Trainee 1/2 18 02/28/25 03/15/25 Justice Center For The Protection Of People With Special Needs Schenectady
181783 Assistant Counsel (Assistant Special Prosecutor) NS 02/28/25 03/15/25 Justice Center For The Protection Of People With Special Needs Albany
181769 Program Specialist 1 (Cannabis) (NY HELPS) - VID 181769 18 02/28/25 03/14/25 Office of Cannabis Management New York
181764 Mental Hygiene Program Evaluation Specialist 2 18 02/28/25 03/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
181848 Medical Specialist 38 02/28/25 03/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Saratoga
181815 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 - (RN1 Supervisor) Broome 22 02/28/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
181758 Training Specialist 1 (Mental Hygiene)/Training Specialist Trainee (Mental Hygiene) (NY HELPS), Central Office; 18 02/28/25 03/15/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181802 Plant Superintendent C (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25612 21 02/28/25 03/20/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181806 Social Work Assistant 1, (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25613 14 02/28/25 04/09/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181813 Medical Specialist 2 (NY HELPS), Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit P25615 38 02/28/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181820 Trades Generalist, Western New York Children's Psychiatric Center, P25617 12 02/28/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
181816 Social Work Assistant 1 (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Child and Adolescent Services CYS Outpatient Clinic, P25616 14 02/28/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181810 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center, Southern Westchester IDT, P25614 25 02/28/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
181807 Psychiatric Examiner (Psychologist) (NY HELPS), Central Office; 27 02/28/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of To Be Determined
181839 Teacher 2, 3, 4 (NY HELPS) 17 02/28/25 03/15/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Cayuga
181847 Youth Support Assistant (Hourly) NS 02/28/25 03/15/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Cayuga
181767 Human Resources Specialist 1 (Testing) / Trainee 1 or 2 (NY HELPS) NS 02/28/25 03/14/25 Civil Service, Department of Albany
181796 Chief of Medical Services - Veterans Home at St. Albans - 30576 668 02/28/25 03/21/25 Health, Department of Queens
181825 Information Technology Specialist 2-Programming (NY HELPS) 18 02/28/25 03/16/25 Teachers' Retirement System Albany
181824 Senior Sanitarian (NY HELPS) - 46746 18 02/28/25 03/14/25 Health, Department of Westchester
181771 Human Resources Specialist 1/Trainee 1/2 Labor Relations - Albany - Employee Relations Office 18 02/28/25 03/14/25 Labor, Department of Albany
181766 Administrative Specialist 1 - VID 181766 18 02/28/25 03/14/25 Veterans' Services, Department of Albany
181777 General Mechanic 12 02/28/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
181778 Deputy Counsel NS 02/28/25 03/14/25 Board of Elections Albany
181772 Senior Attorney - VID 181772 NS 02/28/25 03/14/25 Alcoholic Beverage Control New York
181774 Senior Attorney - VID 181774 NS 02/28/25 03/14/25 Alcoholic Beverage Control Albany
181801 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil Transportation) - NYS HELPS - (Region 8) 20 02/28/25 05/29/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
181803 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - (NY HELPS) - Region 8 24 02/28/25 05/29/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
181805 Principal Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) - (Region 8) 16 02/28/25 03/17/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
181809 Engineering Technician Trainee / Senior Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) - (Region 8) 13 02/28/25 03/17/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
181832 Office Assistant 2 (NY HELPS) 09 02/28/25 03/15/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
181836 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation)-(NY HELPS) NS 02/28/25 03/15/25 Transportation, Department of Queens
181838 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) Bridge Inspection Team Leader - NY HELPS Reg 5 Design 24 02/28/25 03/14/25 Transportation, Department of Erie
181752 Drill Rig Operator / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 NS 02/28/25 03/14/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
181756 Transportation Analyst 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 14 02/28/25 03/15/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
181723 Cleaner 05 02/27/25 03/30/25 SUNY Geneseo Livingston
181725 Janitor 07 02/27/25 03/16/25 SUNY Geneseo Livingston
181726 Custodial & Maintenance Summer Positions 05 02/27/25 05/04/25 SUNY Geneseo Livingston
181742 Fiscal Analyst for Program Budget and Support NS 02/27/25 05/16/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
181745 Senior Fiscal Analyst for Program Budget and Support NS 02/27/25 05/16/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
181714 Associate Counsel NS 02/27/25 04/30/25 Assembly Minority, NYS Albany
181730 Human Resources Specialist 1 (Recruitment), SG-18 18 02/27/25 03/26/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
181750 Addictions Program Specialist 2 (Upper Hudson Regional Office) 23 02/27/25 03/14/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Albany
181746 Registered Nurse 1 (Evenings) (NY HELPS) 18 02/27/25 03/28/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
181705 Senior Budgeting Analyst/Budgeting Analyst Trainee, Central Office; 18 02/27/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
181727 Safety and Security Officer 1 / Trainee, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25608 NS 02/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181744 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center, Southern Westchester IDT, P25611 20 02/27/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
181717 Plant Superintendent B (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25605 23 02/27/25 03/19/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181719 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25606 22 02/27/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181724 Office Assistant 2, (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25607 09 02/27/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181711 Health Facility Management Assistant (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25604 18 02/27/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181740 Advocacy Specialist 5, Central Office; 662 02/27/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181747 Research Scientist 3 (Biostatistics/Health Services Research) 25 02/27/25 03/27/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Albany
181728 Addictions Counselor Assistant (CK Post Addiction Treatment Center) 11 02/27/25 03/14/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
181696 Habilitation Specialist 1 14 02/27/25 03/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
181738 Senior Administrative Analyst/Administrative Analyst Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) NS 02/27/25 03/14/25 NYS Gaming Commission Erie
181697 Ocean & Lakes Policy Analyst 1 (NY HELPS), Hauppauge - Vacancy ID# 181697 23 02/27/25 03/27/25 State, Department of Suffolk
181703 Chief Economist NS 02/27/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
181749 Customer Service Representative 1 09 02/27/25 03/15/25 Insurance Fund, State Broome
181694 Office Assistant 2 (Stores and Supplies) 09 02/27/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
181704 Network System Engineer Series 28 02/27/25 03/26/25 Court Administration, Office of Rensselaer
181699 Investigative Specialist 1/Trainee (Labor Standards)- Albany- (NY HELPS) 18 02/27/25 03/27/25 Labor, Department of Albany
181690 Instructor (TVI), Box BAT-510/00124 NS 02/27/25 03/20/25 Education Department, State Genesee
181691 Instructor (LMS), Box BAT-517/00134 NS 02/27/25 03/20/25 Education Department, State Genesee
181735 Assistant in Education Improvement Services (NY HELPS), Box OHE-1261/05113 22 02/27/25 03/20/25 Education Department, State Albany
181692 Information Technology Specialist 3 (Programming) (NY HELPS), Box PIMS-877/51854 23 02/27/25 03/20/25 Education Department, State Albany
181679 Registered Nurse 1 (Psychiatric) (Days) (Stutzman Addiction Treatment Center) (NY HELPS) 18 02/26/25 03/14/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Erie
181623 Service and Repair Mechanic 12 02/26/25 03/31/25 Thruway Authority Onondaga
181624 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) 24 02/26/25 03/31/25 Thruway Authority Onondaga
181611 Medicaid Integrity Specialist 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NYHELPS) 18 02/26/25 03/17/25 Medicaid Inspector General, NYS Office of the Albany
181656 Deputy Counsel, NS NS 02/26/25 04/23/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
181652 Deputy Counsel, NS NS 02/26/25 04/23/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
181663 Special Counsel: Focus is Advancing LGBTQIA Rights (3770) NS 02/26/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
181676 Law Librarian NS 02/26/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181647 Attorney: Incarcerated Individuals Litigation Section (3769) NS 02/26/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
181606 Executive Assistant for Provost and Research Foundation (Temporary) NS 02/26/25 05/16/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
181603 Safety and Security Officer 1 / Trainee - Downstate 12 02/26/25 03/28/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
181589 Safety and Security Officer 1 / Trainee 12 02/26/25 03/28/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
181655 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25600 22 02/26/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181657 Cook, Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25601 11 02/26/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181662 Dietitian 2 (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25602 18 02/26/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181610 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25597 18 02/26/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Orange
181617 Nutrition Services Administrator 2, (NY HELPS), Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25598 23 02/26/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Orange
181654 Human Resources Specialist 1/Human Resources Specialist Trainee 1/Human Resources Trainee 2 (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, P25599 NS 02/26/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
181684 Youth Support Assistant (Permanent) 09 02/26/25 03/26/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
181686 Youth Support Specialist (Permanent) 14 02/26/25 03/26/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
181660 Senior Budget Analyst 1/Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS) 18 02/26/25 03/25/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Rensselaer
181598 Computer Systems Analyst Series 26 02/26/25 03/24/25 Court Administration, Office of Rensselaer
181601 Budget Analyst Series 28 02/26/25 03/25/25 Court Administration, Office of Albany
181688 Investigative Specialist 1/Trainee (Labor Standards,Spanish Language)- Albany- (NY HELPS) 18 02/26/25 03/27/25 Labor, Department of Albany
181629 Registered Nurse 1 (NY HELPS) 18 02/26/25 03/31/25 Health, Department of Genesee
181667 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 02/26/25 03/31/25 Health, Department of Genesee
181682 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) - NYS Veterans Home at Batavia - Continuous 08 02/26/25 03/31/25 Health, Department of Genesee
181634 Facilities Security Associate 1-Hourly/Part Time Hourly 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
181640 Program Associate 1 DMNA Working Title: Agency Fleet and Property Administrator NS 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
181643 Security Services Assistant 1 - Hourly/Part-time Hourly 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
181599 Regional Supervisor, Facilities Operation NS 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
181625 Air Base Security Guard 12 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
181631 Airport Firefighter 3 (Assistant Chief of Operations) NS 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
181644 Senior Engineering Technician 13 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
181642 Regional General Mechanic 14 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Bronx
181646 Senior Engineering Technician 13 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Onondaga
181637 Maintenance Assistant Hourly Hourly 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Saratoga
181628 Airport Firefighter 1 12 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Schenectady
181630 Airport Firefighter 1 Trainee 10 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Schenectady
181632 Airport Firefighter 3 (Assistant Chief of Operations) NS 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Schenectady
181645 Senior Engineering Technician 13 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Schenectady
181626 Air Base Security Guard 12 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Orange
181627 Air Base Security Guard-Part Time 12 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Orange
181635 Maintenance Assistant 09 02/26/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Queens
181670 Revitalization Specialist 1 (NY HELPS), Albany - Vacancy ID# 181670 23 02/26/25 03/28/25 State, Department of Albany
181602 Associate Attorney Tax Enforcement 663 02/26/25 06/30/25 Taxation & Finance, State Monroe
181604 Associate Attorney Tax Enforcement 663 02/26/25 06/30/25 Taxation & Finance, State Onondaga
181595 Associate Attorney Tax Enforcement 663 02/26/25 06/30/25 Taxation & Finance, State Kings
181668 Associate Attorney (Tax Enforcement) 663 02/26/25 06/30/25 Taxation & Finance, State Erie
181622 Senior Director, Administration Planning & Projects NS 02/26/25 05/26/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
181586 C250024 - Motor Vehicle Operator, Grounds 07 02/25/25 08/23/25 University at Buffalo Erie
181572 Administrative Assistants NS 02/25/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181561 Assistant Attorney General, Suffolk Regional Office (3768) NS 02/25/25 03/21/25 Attorney General, Office of the Suffolk
181516 Limited Purpose Trust Supervision Manager (Director Financial Service Programs1, SG-31) 31 02/25/25 03/28/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
181546 Assistant Deputy Superintendent for Foreign and Wholesale Banks (Assistant Deputy Superintendent, NS) NS 02/25/25 04/28/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
181536 Virtual Currency Senior Analyst (Financial Services Specialist 2 (Compliance), SG-23) 23 02/25/25 04/28/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
181563 Senior Accountant/ Accountant Trainee* 18 02/25/25 03/25/25 Thruway Authority Albany
181570 Service Area Mechanic (SAM) 12 02/25/25 04/30/25 Thruway Authority Orange
181576 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS) 19 02/25/25 03/24/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
181580 Maintenance Assistant 09 02/25/25 03/24/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
181581 Trades Generalist – Three Positions; Central Office; 12 02/25/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
181542 Maintenance Assistant – Central Office; NS 02/25/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
181545 Facility Operations Assistant 1 (Labor) – Central Office; 3 Positions NS 02/25/25 03/25/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
181528 Cleaner, Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Cleaner, Marcy, Oakview, P25594 05 02/25/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
181531 Utilization Review Coordinator, (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center - Bronx Campus, P25595 19 02/25/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Bronx
181588 Gaming Operations Inspector 14 02/25/25 03/24/25 NYS Gaming Commission Seneca
181575 PeopleSoft Technical Analyst NS 02/25/25 05/25/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181549 General Mechanic 12 02/25/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Queens
181555 Maintenance Assistant 09 02/25/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
181556 Contract Management Specialist 1, Contract Management Specialist Trainee 1, (NY HELPS), Box OHE-1290/60285 18 02/25/25 03/18/25 Education Department, State Albany
181558 Senior Accountant, Accountant Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), Box OHE-1284/48175 18 02/25/25 03/18/25 Education Department, State Albany
181551 Project Assistant, Box OP-1858/51514 NS 02/25/25 03/18/25 Education Department, State Albany
181535 Employment Specialist for Individuals with Disabilities 1 (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3247/44609 21 02/25/25 03/18/25 Education Department, State Oneida
181471 Communications Strategist NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Ontario
181487 Community Affairs Director NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Broome
181488 Communications Director NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Broome
181449 Director for Virtual Currency Applications (Director Financial Services Programs 2, SG-33) 33 02/24/25 04/23/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
181441 Criminal Justice Liaison Opportunity with the Office of Special Investigation in New York City (Ref # OSI_NYC_CJL_6373) NS 02/24/25 03/21/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
181470 Research Assistant NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181472 Maintenance Worker NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181473 Event Coordinator NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181475 Communications Coordinator NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181476 Senior Communications Coordinator NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181478 Program Assistants NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181480 Purchasing Clerk NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181481 Furnishings Clerk NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181482 Content Writer NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181483 Press Secretary NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181484 Telephone Operator NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181489 Grants Specialist NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181493 Accounts Payable Coordinator -- Contracts & Travel NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181500 Legislative Library Assistant NS 02/24/25 03/31/25 Senate, NYS Albany
181417 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation, STARC, Oakview, Marcy, P25583 25 02/24/25 05/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
181422 Health Information Management Technician 1, (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25585 13 02/24/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
181420 Registered Nurse 2 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25584 20 02/24/25 06/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181427 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Inpatient, P25587 18 02/24/25 05/23/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181431 Trades Generalist, Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25588 12 02/24/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181423 Housekeeper, St Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25586 07 02/24/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
181462 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS) 23 02/24/25 03/24/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
181465 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS) 19 02/24/25 03/24/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
181440 Safety and Security Officer 1 / Trainee 12 02/24/25 03/26/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
181402 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Trainee 1, (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3269/44429 19 02/24/25 03/17/25 Education Department, State Onondaga
181400 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Trainee 1, (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3267/45629 19 02/24/25 03/17/25 Education Department, State Nassau
181404 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Assistant (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3271/44651 13 02/24/25 03/17/25 Education Department, State Fulton
181389 Assistant Commissioner NS 02/24/25 08/31/25 Education Department, State Albany
181391 Information Technology Specialist 3 (Programming) (NY HELPS), Box PIMS-908/51789 23 02/24/25 03/17/25 Education Department, State Albany
181394 Senior Accountant, Accountant Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), Box State Aid Senior Accountant 18 02/24/25 03/17/25 Education Department, State Albany
181398 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Trainee 1, (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3262/45020 19 02/24/25 03/17/25 Education Department, State Bronx
181399 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Trainee 1, (NY HELPS), Box ACS-3263/43034 19 02/24/25 03/17/25 Education Department, State Bronx
181406 Administrative Assistant 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 11 02/24/25 03/21/25 Public Employment Relations Board Albany
181461 Cleaner 05 02/24/25 03/31/25 Health, Department of Genesee
181467 Food Service Worker 1 05 02/24/25 03/31/25 Health, Department of Genesee
181450 Business Systems Analyst 1 18 02/24/25 03/17/25 State Police, Division of Albany
181385 Student Assistant (Region 4) NS 02/23/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
181386 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS (Region 4) NS 02/23/25 03/24/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
181387 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS (Region 4) NS 02/23/25 03/24/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
181329 Senior Cost Control (3 positions) - Statewide NS 02/21/25 04/30/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Albany
181311 Licensed Practical Nurse (Hourly) (Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center) NS 02/21/25 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
181372 Vocational Instructor 1-4 (NY HELPS) 17 02/21/25 03/31/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
181339 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Attica Satellite Unit, P25576 20 02/21/25 05/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Wyoming
181296 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Bedford Hill Mental Health Unit, P25570 25 02/21/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
181303 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Bedford Hills Satellite Unit, P25571 23 02/21/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
181336 Psychologist 2, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center- Adirondack Satellite Unit, P25575 23 02/21/25 05/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Essex
181293 Office Assistant 1 - Keyboarding, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Elmira Satellite Unit, P25569 06 02/21/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
181341 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Auburn Satellite Unit, P25577 25 02/21/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Cayuga
181327 Project Manager, Loans & Grants NS 02/21/25 05/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS Suffolk
181377 Intern, Innovation NS 02/21/25 03/22/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
181381 Intern, Strategic Business Development NS 02/21/25 03/22/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
181331 Project Manager, Loans & Grants NS 02/21/25 05/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS Orange
181325 Project Manager, Loans & Grants NS 02/21/25 05/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181376 Intern, Human Resources NS 02/21/25 03/22/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181378 Intern, NYC Regional Office NS 02/21/25 03/22/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181379 Intern, Portfolio Management NS 02/21/25 03/22/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181380 Intern, Public Affairs NS 02/21/25 03/22/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181382 Intern Treasury NS 02/21/25 03/22/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181312 Multimedia Forensic Analyst 1 18 02/21/25 03/14/25 State Police, Division of Albany
181330 Facilities Security Associate 1 09 02/21/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
181301 Assistant Counsel NS 02/21/25 04/30/25 Legislative Bill Drafting Commission Albany
181340 Court Attorney-Referee 31 02/21/25 03/28/25 Court Administration, Office of Bronx
181332 Licensed Master Social Worker 2 20 02/21/25 03/21/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Livingston
181348 Library Assistant 1 NS 02/21/25 03/21/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Livingston
181319 Maintenance Assistant 09 02/21/25 03/21/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Cayuga
181320 Trades Generalist 12 02/21/25 03/21/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Cayuga
181323 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 14 02/21/25 03/21/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Cayuga
181290 Information Technology Specialist 4, Box PIMS-899/00727 25 02/21/25 04/04/25 Education Department, State Albany
181291 Manager Information Technology Services 1, Box PIMS-831/01736 27 02/21/25 03/14/25 Education Department, State Albany
181292 Information Technology Specialist 3 (Programming) (NY HELPS), Box PIMS-895/51832 23 02/21/25 03/14/25 Education Department, State Albany
181326 Registered Nurse 1 18 02/21/25 03/21/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Essex
181276 Student Intern - Human Resources - Albany, NY Hourly 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Albany
181282 Student Intern - File Clerk - Albany, NY Hourly 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Albany
181203 Student Intern- Construction Project Management NS 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Broome
181210 Student Intern- Construction Project Management (2 positions) NS 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Monroe
181212 Student Intern - Junior Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical) (2 positions) NS 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
181261 Student Intern- Construction Project Management (9 positions) - Various Location in the NYC Area NS 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
181283 Student Intern - Office of Environmental Affairs Hourly 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
181231 Medicaid Integrity Specialist 1/Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NYHELPS) 18 02/20/25 03/14/25 Medicaid Inspector General, NYS Office of the Albany
181200 Student Intern- Construction Project Management NS 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Ulster
181206 Student Intern- Construction Project Management NS 02/20/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Orange
181190 Supervisor, Property & Casualty Financial Operations (Director Financial Services Programs 2, SG-33) 33 02/20/25 03/20/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
181244 Financial Reporting Assistant NS 02/20/25 04/30/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
181253 Information Security Analyst NS 02/20/25 04/30/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
181268 Lead Programmer - Analyst NS 02/20/25 04/30/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
181246 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Clinton Satellite Unit, P25562 20 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Clinton
181230 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Hudson Satellite Unit, P25555 20 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Columbia
181232 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Hudson Satellite Unit, P25557 25 02/20/25 04/15/25 Mental Health, Office of Columbia
181211 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Groveland Correctional Facility, P25553 20 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Livingston
181199 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Fishkill Satellite Unit, HALT, P25550 19 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Dutchess
181204 Psychologist 2, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center - Green Haven Satellite Unit, P25551 23 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Dutchess
181227 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Hudson River Field Office, SMI-V, P25556 25 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Dutchess
181243 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Wende Satellite Unit, P25561 20 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
181259 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25566 11 02/20/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
181182 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25541 38 02/20/25 03/19/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
181179 Social Work Assistant Trainee (NY HELPS), Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, STARC, Marcy, Oakview, P25540 NS 02/20/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
181233 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Mid-State Satellite Unit, P25558 20 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
181235 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Upstate Satellite Unit, P25560 20 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Franklin
181207 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center - (HALT), Five Points Satellite Unit, P25552 19 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Seneca
181264 Social Work Assistant 2, (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Massena Wellness Center, P25567 17 02/20/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
181219 Cleaner, Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center, Part-Time, Cleaner, P25545 05 02/20/25 04/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
181183 Health Information Management Technician 1, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25525 13 02/20/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181193 Mental Hygiene Therapy Assistant 1, Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Evenings, P25548 12 02/20/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181195 Mental Hygiene Therapy Assistant 1, Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Days, P25549 12 02/20/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181258 Mental Hygiene Program Evaluation Specialist 3, (NY HELPS), Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, P25565 23 02/20/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
181251 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Attica Satellite Unit, P25563 20 02/20/25 05/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Wyoming
181234 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Sing Sing Satellite Unit, P25559 20 02/20/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
181265 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (NY HELPS) 19 02/20/25 03/14/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Onondaga
181270 Senior Attorney, SG-25, Assistant Attorney 3, (Equated to SG-22),Assistant Attorney 2, (Equated to SG-20).Assistant Attorney 1, (Equated to SG-18)(NYHELPS) Item# 01189 25 02/20/25 06/30/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
181229 Lottery Marketing Representative 1 (Plainview) - NY HELPS 16 02/20/25 03/20/25 NYS Gaming Commission Nassau
181134 Compliance Coordinator NS 02/19/25 03/19/25 University at Albany Albany
181122 Assistant Deputy Superintendent for Portfolio Management, NS NS 02/19/25 04/23/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
181126 Chief Casualty Actuary 2, M-6 661 02/19/25 03/19/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
181112 Supervising Risk Management Specialist, SG-31 31 02/19/25 04/23/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
181155 Parks and Recreation Aide 2 (Ganondagan State Historic Site) NS 02/19/25 03/19/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Ontario
181110 Youth Support Specialist (Perm) 14 02/19/25 03/19/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Columbia
181148 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center - Queens Campus - P25531 25 02/19/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
181147 Training Specialist Trainee / Training Specialist 1, (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, P25526 NS 02/19/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
181153 Rehabilitation Assistant 1, (NY HELPS), Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, P25532 11 02/19/25 06/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
181128 Facility Operations Assistant 1 - Grounds, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25523 06 02/19/25 04/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
181159 Registered Nurse 3 Infection Control, (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25534 22 02/19/25 03/19/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181160 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS), Capital District Psychiatric Center, P25535 19 02/19/25 03/19/25 Mental Health, Office of Albany
181166 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Greene Satellite Unit, P25539 20 02/19/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Greene
181124 Mental Hygiene Therapy Assistant 1, Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Nights, P25527 12 02/19/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181164 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Fishkill Satellite Unit, P25537 20 02/19/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Dutchess
181165 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Green Haven Satellite Unit, P25538 20 02/19/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Dutchess
181163 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Elmira Satellite Unit, P25536 20 02/19/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
181168 Intern, Controller NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181169 Intern, Global NY NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181170 Intern, NY Ventures NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181171 Intern, Internal Audit NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181172 Intern, Digital Marketing NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181174 Intern, Procurement NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181175 Intern, Economics NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181177 Intern, Small Business & Community Development NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
181173 Intern, Mohawk Valley NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS Oneida
181176 Intern, North Country Regional NS 02/19/25 03/21/25 Empire State Development, NYS Jefferson
181114 Counsel Series 28 02/19/25 03/19/25 Court Administration, Office of Erie
181113 Counsel Series 28 02/19/25 03/19/25 Court Administration, Office of New York
181115 Counsel Series 28 02/19/25 03/19/25 Court Administration, Office of Albany
181117 Nurse Practitioner - NYS Veterans' Home at Montrose 24 02/19/25 04/30/25 Health, Department of Westchester
180991 Appellate Litigation Fellowship: Entry-Level, Legal Support (6371) NS 02/18/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
181045 Legal Support Analyst: Assist Federal Initiatives Team (6372) NS 02/18/25 03/14/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
181004 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Outpatient, P25519 20 02/18/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181005 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Mobile Integration Team , P25520 20 02/18/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
181006 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Crisis Respite Team, P25521 20 02/18/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
180958 CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER NS 02/17/25 03/31/25 Bridge Authority, NYS Ulster
180924 Design Manager - NYC Office NS 02/14/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
180933 Project Manager (5 positions) - Upstate NY Region – (South Central, Northern and Eastern NY) NS 02/14/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
180917 Training Assistant NS 02/14/25 04/01/25 Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government Albany
180923 Assistant Director for Budget Research and Development NS 02/14/25 04/30/25 SUNY System Administration Albany
180939 Assistant Vice President and Controller 02 02/14/25 03/21/25 SUNY Old Westbury Nassau
180910 Registered Nurse 3 Psychiatric Educator, Hutching Psychiatric Center, P25513 22 02/14/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
180942 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25516 20 02/14/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
180914 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), South Beach Psychiatric Center, Ocean View Lodge Clinic, P25514 20 02/14/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Richmond
180891 Deputy Director, Psychiatric Center 1 - Quality Management, M-4, Sagamore Children's Psychiatric Center, P25512 664 02/14/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
180884 Research Scientist 2 (Biostatistics) 22 02/14/25 03/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Albany
180885 Research Scientist 2 (Health Informatics) 22 02/14/25 03/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Albany
180911 Safety and Security Officer 1 / Trainee - Broome - Valley Ridge 12 02/14/25 03/16/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
180915 Safety and Security Officer 1 / Trainee - Broome - Main Campus 12 02/14/25 03/16/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
180881 Deputy Commissioner for Technology NS 02/14/25 03/14/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Albany
180878 Deputy Commissioner for Technology NS 02/14/25 03/14/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Westchester
180876 Deputy Commissioner for Technology NS 02/14/25 03/14/25 Information Technology Services, Office of New York
180877 Deputy Commissioner for Technology NS 02/14/25 03/14/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Nassau
180879 Deputy Commissioner for Technology NS 02/14/25 03/14/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Erie
180880 Deputy Commissioner for Technology NS 02/14/25 03/14/25 Information Technology Services, Office of Monroe
180860 Director of Marketing & Communications NS 02/14/25 03/14/25 Insurance Fund, State Albany
180861 Director of Marketing & Communications NS 02/14/25 03/14/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
180886 IT Project Manager, Tier 1 NS 02/14/25 05/14/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
180888 IT Project Manager, Tier 1 NS 02/14/25 05/14/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
180795 Architect/Engineer Project Manager 25 02/13/25 03/28/25 State University Construction Fund Albany
180796 Construction Project Manager 25 02/13/25 03/28/25 State University Construction Fund Albany
180798 Design Project Manager 25 02/13/25 03/28/25 State University Construction Fund Albany
180794 Criminal Section Chief: Attorney Manager, Labor Bureau (3767) NS 02/13/25 04/04/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
180766 Occupational Therapist, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25506 20 02/13/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
180777 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS) 19 02/13/25 03/14/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
180801 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS) 25 02/13/25 03/14/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Orange
180792 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 Chautauqua Co) PERMANENT 06 02/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Chautauqua
180843 Student Assistant (Region 9 Fleet Administration) NS 02/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of To Be Determined
180844 Private Credit Portfolio Manager NS 02/13/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
180819 Administrative Finance/Accounting Internship - Hourly - Albany NS 02/13/25 04/18/25 Labor, Department of Albany
180734 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS) 20 02/12/25 04/10/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Monroe
180760 Rehabilitation Counselor 2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center – Upstate Satellite Unit, HALT, P25505 19 02/12/25 05/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Franklin
180692 Health Facility Management Assistant (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25494 18 02/12/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180737 Treatment Unit Clerk/Trainee, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25497 07 02/12/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180738 Food Service Worker 1, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25501 05 02/12/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180743 Food Service Worker 2, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25502 09 02/12/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180751 Office Assistant 2, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25503 09 02/12/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180720 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Sullivan) NS 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Sullivan
180694 Clinical Physician 1 - NYS Veterans' Home at Montrose 34 02/12/25 06/30/25 Health, Department of Westchester
180695 Public Health Field Services Representative 2 - 23566 23 02/12/25 03/18/25 Health, Department of Albany
180754 Trades Generalist (Electrician) Hourly 02/12/25 03/22/25 Agriculture & Markets, Department of Onondaga
180686 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) NYHELPS 20 02/12/25 05/22/25 Transportation, Department of Broome
180687 Senior Engineering Technician/Engineering Technician Trainee (R6 Design/Construction) NY HELPS 13 02/12/25 05/12/25 Transportation, Department of Broome
180726 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Broome) NS 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Broome
180727 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Broome) NS 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Broome
180721 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Schoharie/Delaware No) NS 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Schoharie
180722 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Schoharie/Delaware No) NS 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Schoharie
180719 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Chenango) NS 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Chenango
180739 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 Chautauqua Co) TEMPORARY 06 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Chautauqua
180724 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Delaware South) NS 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Delaware
180725 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Delaware South) NS 02/12/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Delaware
180762 VP and Director, Workforce Development NS 02/12/25 05/12/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
180630 Legal Nurse/Medical Analyst: Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (6368) NS 02/11/25 04/04/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
180655 Legal Nurse/Medical Analyst: Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (6369) NS 02/11/25 04/04/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
180620 Assistant Counsel (Family Court Counsel) - VID 180620 NS 02/11/25 03/28/25 Indigent Legal Services, Office of Erie
180676 Legal Nurse/Medical Analyst: Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (6370) NS 02/11/25 04/04/25 Attorney General, Office of the Onondaga
180616 Engagement and Digital Communications Manager (Special Assistant, NS) NS 02/11/25 04/14/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
180675 Office Assistant 2, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Cayuga Satellite Unit, P25490 09 02/11/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Cayuga
180677 Senior Recreation Therapist, (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25491 17 02/11/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
180678 Recreation Therapist, (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25492 14 02/11/25 03/21/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
180604 Mental Health Therapy Aide (MHTA) - Direct Care Positions (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25486 09 02/11/25 05/12/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
180635 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Sagamore Children's Psychiatric Center, Part-Time, P25487 20 02/11/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
180673 Recreation Assistant, PilgrimPsychiatric Center, P25488 11 02/11/25 05/12/25 Mental Health, Office of Suffolk
180674 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, P25489 20 02/11/25 04/14/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
180659 Business Services Center Representative 1 - VID 180659 11 02/11/25 05/07/25 General Services, Office of Albany
180642 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) 12 02/11/25 04/01/25 State Police, Division of Genesee
180492 Senior Field Representative - Lehman College NS 02/10/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Bronx
180496 Senior Field Representative - LaGuardia Community College  NS 02/10/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Queens
180497 Senior Field Representative - LaGuardia Community College  NS 02/10/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Queens
180524 Plant Utilities Assistant (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25479 09 02/10/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180556 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, Wellsville, P25475 20 02/10/25 04/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Allegany
180514 Plant Utilities Assistant 09 02/10/25 08/21/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
180567 Business Services Center Representative 1 - VID 180567 11 02/10/25 05/07/25 General Services, Office of Albany
180508 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil Transportation) - NY HELPS - (Region 8) 20 02/10/25 05/12/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
180576 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS (Region 4) NS 02/10/25 08/20/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
180481 Assistant Attorney General: Office of Special Investigation - Albany (3764) NS 02/07/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the Albany
180462 Assistant Attorney General: Enforcement Section, Charities Bureau (3765) NS 02/07/25 03/21/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
180480 Assistant Attorney General: Office of Special Investigation - NYC (3764) NS 02/07/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
180464 Incident Management Unit Director (Developmental Disabilities Operations Director 1 664 02/07/25 03/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
180407 Occupational Therapy Assistant, (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25424 14 02/07/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
180422 Secure Care Treatment Aide 1, Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Oakview, Marcy, STARC, P25471 11 02/07/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180413 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, Highview, P25469 22 02/07/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
180475 Youth Support Assistant (Hourly) 09 02/07/25 05/05/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Oneida
180478 Youth Support Specialist (Hourly) 14 02/07/25 05/05/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Oneida
180367 C250017 - University Police Communications and Security Specialist 1 (NYS HELPS) - The University at Buffalo 10 02/06/25 08/06/25 University at Buffalo Erie
180362 Psychiatrist 1 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Attica Satellite Unit, P25388 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Wyoming
180373 Psychiatrist 2 Forensic (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Attica Satellite Unit, P25389 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Wyoming
180358 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Albion Satellite Unit, P25386 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Orleans
180360 Psychiatrist 2 Forensic (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Albion Satellite Unit, P25387 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Orleans
180382 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Five Points Satellite Unit, P25462 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Seneca
180384 Psychiatrist 2 Forensic (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Five Points Satellite Unit, P25463 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Seneca
180353 Psychiatrist 2 Forensic (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Marcy, P25383 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180388 Psychiatrist 2 Forensic (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Mid-State Satellite Unit, P25466 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180389 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Mid-State Satellite Unit, P25467 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180380 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Fishkill Satellite Unit, P25461 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Dutchess
180293 Registered Nurse 2, Community, (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25452 20 02/06/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
180375 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Elmira Satellite Unit, P25384 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
180377 Psychiatrist 2 Forensic (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Elmira Satellite Unit, P25385 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Chemung
180385 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Wende Satellite Unit, P25464 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
180386 Psychiatrist 2 Forensic (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Wende Satellite Unit, P25465 38 02/06/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
180309 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25455 20 02/06/25 03/20/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
180222 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25442 25 02/05/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
180235 Recreation Therapist, (NY HELPS), Rochester Psychiatric Center, P25443 14 02/05/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
180244 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, STARC Oakview, P25445 20 02/05/25 04/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180185 Teacher 2/ Teacher 3/ Teacher 4 (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Brooklyn Campus, P25416 17 02/05/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180201 Trades Specialist, Electrician, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25439 12 02/05/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180204 Maintenance Assistant, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25440 09 02/05/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180181 Teacher 2/ Teacher 3/ Teacher 4 (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Bronx Campus, P25415 17 02/05/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Bronx
180210 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, Elmira Psychiatric Center - Mid Lakes ACT, P25441 18 02/05/25 06/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Tompkins
180249 Dietitian 2 (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, P25423 18 02/05/25 04/11/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
180232 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25419 22 02/05/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
180251 Trades Generalist (Plumbing Unit) 12 02/05/25 03/15/25 Agriculture & Markets, Department of Onondaga
180189 Professional Engineer (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS 24 02/05/25 08/05/25 Transportation, Department of Albany
180152 Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) 9 Month Academic Year (NY HELPS) 10 02/04/25 01/01/26 University at Albany Albany
180155 Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) 12 Month (NY HELPS) 10 02/04/25 01/01/26 University at Albany Albany
180148 Legal Support Analyst: Real Estate Enforcement Unit (6367) NS 02/04/25 03/14/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
180114 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Queens Campus, P25377 20 02/04/25 04/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
180156 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Albion Satellite Unit, P25409 20 02/04/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Orleans
180163 Rehabilitation Counselor 2, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Albion Satellite Unit, P25412 19 02/04/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Orleans
180162 Psychiatrist 2 Forensic (NY HELPS), Mid-Hudson Psychiatric Center, P25414 38 02/04/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Orange
180093 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Eastern Satellite Unit, P25394 20 02/04/25 03/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Ulster
180086 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Bedford Hills MHU, P25392 20 02/04/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
180109 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Five Points Residential Mental Health Unit, P25401 20 02/04/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Seneca
180077 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS) 19 02/04/25 05/05/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Oneida
180116 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Bronx Campus, P25378 20 02/04/25 04/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Bronx
180145 Psychiatrist 2 Children & Youth (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Bronx Campus, P25407 38 02/04/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Bronx
180119 Rehabilitation Counselor 1, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center – Greene Satellite Unit, P25402 17 02/04/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Greene
180164 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Coxsackie Mental Health Unit, P25413 11 02/04/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Greene
180105 Teacher 2/ Teacher 3/ Teacher 4 (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25374 17 02/04/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180097 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Mid-State Satellite Unit, P25399 20 02/04/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180106 Psychologist 2, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center - Mid-State Satellite Unit, P25400 23 02/04/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180128 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Marcy Correctional Facility, P25404 20 02/04/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180120 Research Scientist 4, New York State Psychiatric Institute, Department of Psychiatry/Division of Translative Imaging, P25371 27 02/04/25 04/11/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
180095 Psychologist 2, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center - Fishkill Satellite Unit, P25395 23 02/04/25 03/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Dutchess
180125 Director of Outreach, ConnectALL NS 02/04/25 05/04/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
180136 Investigator Auditor - NYC NS 02/04/25 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of New York
180139 Assistant Counsel & Records Access Officer - NYC NS 02/04/25 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of New York
180141 Investigator - NYC NS 02/04/25 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of New York
180134 Investigator Auditor - Syracuse NS 02/04/25 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of Onondaga
180131 Investigative Counsel - Suffern NS 02/04/25 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of Rockland
180072 Attorney Enforce State/Fed Antitrust Law, Complex Litigation (3752) NS 02/03/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
180063 Psychology Tutor NS 02/03/25 04/01/25 SUNY Old Westbury Nassau
180014 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Marcy, P25356 38 02/03/25 04/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
180005 Office Assistant 2 - Keyboarding, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Greene Satellite Unit, P25355 09 02/03/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Greene
180033 Rehabilitation Counselor 2, (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, P25362 19 02/03/25 04/18/25 Mental Health, Office of Seneca
180028 Registered Nurse 2, Community, (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, ACT/Mid Lakes, P25361 20 02/03/25 04/18/25 Mental Health, Office of Tompkins
180041 Building Construction Program Manager 1 (HELPS) - VID 180041 18 02/03/25 05/05/25 General Services, Office of Albany
179983 Community Health Program Manager 3 (NY HELPS) - 7072 664 02/03/25 03/21/25 Health, Department of Albany
179981 Instructor, Box NYSSB-Instructor NS 02/03/25 09/30/27 Education Department, State Genesee
179984 Instructor (Substitute) Box Instructor Substitute – Batavia NS 02/03/25 09/30/28 Education Department, State Genesee
179885 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center, P25335 20 01/31/25 04/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
179960 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Clinton Satellite Unit, P25351 18 01/31/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Clinton
179964 Office Assistant 2 (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25352 09 01/31/25 03/24/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
179887 Registered Nurse 3 Infection Control, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25333 22 01/31/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179889 Cleaner, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, Cleaner, P25334 05 01/31/25 04/04/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179905 Psychiatrist 3, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25336 38 01/31/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179906 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, Inpatient, P25337 38 01/31/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179907 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, Williamsburg Outpatient Clinic, P25338 38 01/31/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179909 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, Canarsie Clinic, P25339 25 01/31/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179920 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25344 22 01/31/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179941 Registered Nurse 2, Community, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, Canarsie Clinic, P25353 20 01/31/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179953 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25348 18 01/31/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179954 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25349 18 01/31/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179871 Assistant Deputy Chief Investigator - Multiple Divisions 662 01/31/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of To Be Determined
179873 Registered Nurse 1 - Office of Special Investigations 18 01/31/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of To Be Determined
179858 Senior Accountant, SG-18 18 01/30/25 03/26/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
179789 Licensed Master Social Worker, (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Adirodack Satellite Unit, NALT, P25315 20 01/30/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Essex
179767 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS), Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, STARC, Bridgview, P25308 23 01/30/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179771 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS), Secure Treatment and Rehabilitation Center STARC, Bridgeview, P25309 19 01/30/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179817 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - Region 10 - NY HELPS 24 01/30/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of Suffolk
179800 Technology Scout, NYSTAR NS 01/30/25 04/30/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
179815 Director, Subsidiary Finance NS 01/30/25 04/30/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
179638 Deputy Superintendent for Innovation Policy (Director Financial Services Programs 3, NS) NS 01/29/25 03/31/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
179683 IT Support Assistant (Temp) Hourly 01/29/25 01/31/26 University at Albany Albany
179736 Special Assistant for Virtual Currency Strategy, NS NS 01/29/25 03/31/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
179665 Human Resources Specialist 1 Labor Relations, SG-18 18 01/29/25 03/26/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
179681 Human Resources Specialist 1, SG-18 18 01/29/25 03/26/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
179562 Trades Generalist (Electrician) 12 01/29/25 05/30/25 Thruway Authority Seneca
179567 Trades Generalist (HVAC) 12 01/29/25 05/30/25 Thruway Authority Seneca
179572 Trades Generalist (Plumber) 12 01/29/25 05/30/25 Thruway Authority Seneca
179559 Trades Generalist (HVAC) 12 01/29/25 05/30/25 Thruway Authority Onondaga
179568 Trades Generalist (Electrician) 12 01/29/25 05/30/25 Thruway Authority Onondaga
179538 Senior Field Representative - NYC - 5 Boroughs and Long Island NS 01/29/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
179569 Trades Specialist (Welder) #03766 NS 01/29/25 03/28/25 Canal Corporation Onondaga
179523 Mental Hygiene Program Evaluation Specialist 2 (NY HELPS), Hutchings Psychiatric Center, P25283 18 01/29/25 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of Onondaga
179645 Cleaner, Greater Binghamton Health Center, Cleaner, P25299 05 01/29/25 06/02/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179662 Teacher 2 / Teacher 3 / Teacher 4 - Summer, (NY HELPS), Temporary, Greater Binghamton Health Center, C&Y, Temp, Summer, P25300 NS 01/29/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179619 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25298 23 01/29/25 06/02/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179599 Registered Nurse 2 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25295 20 01/29/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179600 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25296 14 01/29/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179608 Plant Utilities Assistant (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25297 09 01/29/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179557 Construction Project Administrator 2 23 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
179603 Facilities Operations Assistant 1 06 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
179648 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Latham FMS/AASF - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
179537 Maintenance Assistant 09 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
179609 Facilities Operations Assistant 1 06 01/29/25 04/23/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
179622 General Mechanic 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
179623 General Mechanic 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
179654 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Maintenance Assistant - Camp Smith Training Site - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
179647 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Kingston FMS - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Ulster
179649 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Queensbury FMS - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Washington
179626 General Mechanic (Plumber/Steamfitter) 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Orange
179629 General Mechanic-Electrician 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Orange
179634 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 14 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Orange
179627 General Mechanic (Plumber/Steamfitter) 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
179631 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 14 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
179635 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 14 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
179651 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Ronkonkoma AASF- Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
179639 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Binghamton FMS - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Broome
179617 General Mechanic 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Broome
179642 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Fort Drum - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Jefferson
179614 General Mechanic 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of New York
179615 General Mechanic 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Monroe
179650 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Rochester AASF - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Monroe
179640 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Farmingdale AFRC - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Nassau
179612 General Mechanic 12 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Rensselaer
179653 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Troy Glenmore Road Armory - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Rensselaer
179652 TEMPORARY SEASONAL (Winter) - Facilities Operations Assistant 1 - Staten Island Armory - Anticipated duration of employment thru 4/23/2024 Hourly 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Richmond
179607 Facilities Operations Assistant 1 06 01/29/25 03/26/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Niagara
179587 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - (NY HELPS) - Region 8 24 01/29/25 04/29/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
179592 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) (NYHELPS) - Region 6 24 01/29/25 06/30/25 Transportation, Department of Steuben
179524 Traffic Systems Technician 1/Trainee 2/Trainee 1 (NY HELPS) - Region 3 14 01/29/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
179447 University Police Communications & Security Specialist 1, SG-10 (NY HELPS) 10 01/28/25 01/28/26 SUNY Oswego Oswego
179474 Food Service Worker 1, Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25284 05 01/28/25 06/02/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179476 Peer Specialist, Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25285 09 01/28/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179483 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25287 25 01/28/25 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179485 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25288 38 01/28/25 06/02/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
179437 Nurse Practitioner (Family Health), (NY HELPS), Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit, P25269 24 01/28/25 04/02/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
179440 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), New York State Psychiatric Institute, P25271 25 01/28/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
179442 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric (NY HELPS), New York State Psychiatric Institute, P25272 18 01/28/25 06/06/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
179450 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), New York State Psychiatric Institue, P25273 38 01/28/25 05/01/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
179451 Research Scientist 4, New York State Psychiatric Institute, P25274 27 01/28/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
179458 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) 12 01/28/25 04/01/25 State Police, Division of Essex
179457 State Police Security Screening Technician 08 01/28/25 03/27/25 State Police, Division of Albany
179488 Nurse Practitioner - Office of Special Investigations 24 01/28/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of To Be Determined
179491 Senior Investigator - All Divisions NS 01/28/25 05/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of To Be Determined
179221 Climate Policy Analyst (Financial Services Specialist 1 (Policy Analysis), SG-18) 18 01/27/25 03/28/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
179342 Occupation Therapist (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Bronx Campus, P25259 20 01/27/25 04/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Bronx
179243 Nurse Practitioner (Psychiatry) (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Massena Wellness Center, P25233 24 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179245 Nurse Practitioner (Psychiatry) (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Ogdensburg Wellness Center, P25234 24 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179271 Licensed Practical Nurse (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25235 10 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179272 Dentist 2, (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25236 32 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179275 Dentist 1 (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25237 30 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179276 Dental Assistant, St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25238 08 01/27/25 04/14/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179280 Mental Health Therapy Aide (MHTA) - Direct Care Positions (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25242 09 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179281 Mental Health Therapy Aide (MHTA) - Direct Care Positions (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, P25243 09 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179291 Psychiatrist 1 and Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, Gouverneur Wellness Center, P25247 38 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179292 Psychiatrist 1 and Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, Massena Wellness Center, P25248 38 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179294 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, P25249 18 01/27/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179320 Assistant Deputy Chief Investigator - Criminal Investigations Division 662 01/27/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of To Be Determined
179313 Investigative Analyst NS 01/27/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Albany
179314 Investigator - Office of Special Investigations NS 01/27/25 05/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Albany
179329 Information Technology Specialist 3 (Programming) (NYHELPS) 23 01/27/25 05/29/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
179330 Information Technology Specialist 3 (NYHELPS) 23 01/27/25 05/29/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
179174 Virtual Currency Senior Blockchain Analytics Analyst (Financial Services Specialist 2 (Financial Crime Risk), SG-23) 23 01/24/25 03/28/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
179161 Administrative Assistant 1 -Criminal Justice & Human Development (NY HELPS) 11 01/24/25 01/24/26 SUNY Oswego Oswego
179164 Administrative Assistant 1 -AGS/ECE/Physics (NY HELPS) 11 01/24/25 01/24/26 SUNY Oswego Oswego
179165 Administrative Assistant 1 - Facilities Services (NY HELPS) 11 01/24/25 03/27/25 SUNY Oswego Oswego
179177 C250011 - Facility Operations Assistant 1 - Design and Construction 06 01/24/25 06/23/25 University at Buffalo Erie
179027 Attorney for Information Access: Office of Special Investigation (3762) NS 01/23/25 03/21/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
179036 Attorney for Information Access: Office of Special Investigation (3762) NS 01/23/25 03/21/25 Attorney General, Office of the Suffolk
179037 Transportation Construction Inspectors 1,2,3 Hourly 01/23/25 03/31/25 Thruway Authority Albany
179035 Transportation Construction Inspectors 1,2,3 Hourly 01/23/25 03/31/25 Thruway Authority Rockland
179033 Transportation Construction Inspectors 1,2,3 Hourly 01/23/25 03/31/25 Thruway Authority Onondaga
179030 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25226 18 01/23/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
179070 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), New York City Children's Center, Bronx Campus, P25258 25 01/23/25 04/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Queens
179067 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25257 20 01/23/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
179062 Licensed Master Social Worker (Spanish Language) (NY HELPS), Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit, P25211 20 01/23/25 07/01/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
179063 Licensed Master Social Worker (Spanish Language) (NY HELPS), Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit, Audubon Clinic, P25255 20 01/23/25 07/01/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
179064 Licensed Master Social Worker (Spanish Language) (NY HELPS), Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit, Audubon Clinic, P25256 20 01/23/25 07/01/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
178895 Clinical Physician 1 or 2 (Hourly - Bronx Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 01/22/25 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
178853 Cleaner 05 01/22/25 04/30/25 SUNY Brockport Monroe
178859 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, Zoar Valley, P25222 25 01/22/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Cattaraugus
178850 Recreation Therapist - Art (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25220 14 01/22/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
178935 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS) 25 01/22/25 04/22/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
178938 Associate Psychologist (NY HELPS) 23 01/22/25 04/22/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
178944 Psychologist 2 (NY HELPS) 23 01/22/25 04/22/25 Children & Family Services, Office of Tompkins
178889 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 7-Lewis County) 12 01/22/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Lewis
178891 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 7-St. Lawrence County) 12 01/22/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of St Lawrence
178893 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 7-Franklin County) 12 01/22/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Franklin
178892 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 7-Clinton County) 12 01/22/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Clinton
178888 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 7-Jefferson County) 12 01/22/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Jefferson
178862 Investigator Auditor - Buffalo NS 01/22/25 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of Erie
178778 Transportation Construction Inspector 1 - Loc TBD NS 01/21/25 04/30/25 Canal Corporation To Be Determined
178779 Transportation Construction Inspector 2 - Loc TBD NS 01/21/25 04/30/25 Canal Corporation To Be Determined
178782 Transportation Construction Inspector 3 - Loc TBD NS 01/21/25 04/30/25 Canal Corporation To Be Determined
178772 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms NS 01/21/25 03/30/25 Senate, NYS Albany
178767 Tandem Tractor Trailer Operator, Central Office; 12 01/21/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
178769 Tractor Trailer Operator, Central Office; Two Positions 08 01/21/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
178818 Recreation Therapist (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25250 14 01/21/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
178819 Addictions Counselor 1, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25251 16 01/21/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
178820 Addictions Counselor 2, (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25252 18 01/21/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
178827 Chief Actuary – Workers’ Compensation Fund Reserving NS 01/21/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
178829 Director of Actuarial Models NS 01/21/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
178828 Director of Actuarial Models NS 01/21/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Albany
178612 Disaster Preparedness Assistant (NY HELPS) 12 01/17/25 12/31/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
178616 Disaster Preparedness Program Representative 1 (NY HELPS) 14 01/17/25 12/31/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
178651 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, Seneca Falls, P25212 20 01/17/25 04/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Seneca
178684 Auditor 1 (Municipal) SG-18,Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) equated to SG-16, Auditor Tranee 1 (Municipal) equated to SG-14(NYHELPS) Item#04340 18 01/17/25 03/14/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
178686 Auditor 1 (Municipal) SG-18,Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) equated to SG-16, Auditor Tranee 1 (Municipal) equated to SG-14(NYHELPS) Item#03823 18 01/17/25 04/14/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
178656 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Sullivan) NS 01/17/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Sullivan
178649 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Tioga) NS 01/17/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Tioga
178650 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Tioga) NS 01/17/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Tioga
178655 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Chenango) NS 01/17/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Chenango
178608 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 North Erie Co) TEMPORARY 06 01/17/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Erie
178653 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Otsego) NS 01/17/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Otsego
178654 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/ Trainee 1/ Trainee 2 (Region 9 - Otsego) NS 01/17/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Otsego
178677 Student Assistant (Region 5 Fleet) NS 01/17/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of To Be Determined
178694 Manager, Industry Development, SBD NS 01/17/25 04/17/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
178490 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - (NY HELPS) - Region 8 24 01/16/25 04/16/25 Transportation, Department of Westchester
178500 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-Lewis County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Lewis
178505 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-Lewis County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Lewis
178501 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-St. Lawrence County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of St Lawrence
178506 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-St. Lawrence County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of St Lawrence
178558 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 North Erie Co) PERMANENT 06 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Erie
178496 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-Franklin County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Franklin
178504 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-Franklin County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Franklin
178495 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-Clinton County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Clinton
178503 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-Clinton County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Clinton
178513 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 Catt Co) TEMPORARY 06 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Cattaraugus
178494 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-Jefferson County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Jefferson
178502 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1(R7-Jefferson County) NS 01/16/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Jefferson
178554 Executive Assistant, Life Sciences NS 01/16/25 04/16/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
178417 Disaster Assistance Representative NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Albany
178354 Principal Risk Management Specialist, SG-29 29 01/15/25 05/13/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
178392 Communications Assistant (Executive Assistant), NS NS 01/15/25 03/28/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
178391 Assistant Professor - Spanish Language Media and Film Creation NS 01/15/25 03/14/25 SUNY Old Westbury Nassau
178414 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 Catt Co) PERMANENT 06 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Cattaraugus
178445 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Genesee County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Genesee
178448 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Genesee County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Genesee
178468 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) Region 4- Genesee County 12 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Genesee
178425 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Monroe County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
178462 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) Region 4- Monroe County 12 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
178449 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Orleans County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Orleans
178450 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Orleans County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Orleans
178469 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) Region 4- Orleans County 12 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Orleans
178346 Drill Rig Operator / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 REGION 6 NS 01/15/25 04/14/25 Transportation, Department of Steuben
178348 Principal Engineering Technician (NY HELPS - R6 Design) 16 01/15/25 04/14/25 Transportation, Department of Steuben
178426 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Livingston County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Livingston
178428 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Livingston County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Livingston
178465 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) Region 4- Livingston County 12 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Livingston
178451 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Wyoming County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Wyoming
178452 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Wyoming County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Wyoming
178470 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) Region 4- Wyoming County 12 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Wyoming
178431 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Wayne County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Wayne
178439 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Wayne County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Wayne
178466 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) Region 4- Wayne County 12 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Wayne
178421 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) 12 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of To Be Determined
178442 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Ontario County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Ontario
178444 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Ontario County) NS 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Ontario
178467 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) Region 4- Ontario County 12 01/15/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Ontario
178350 Project Coordinator (Summer Teacher Ambassador Program) - Hourly - Multiple Locations NS 01/15/25 04/16/25 Labor, Department of To Be Determined
178381 Special Education Assistant (Substitute), Box SEA Sub - Rome NS 01/15/25 04/15/27 Education Department, State Oneida
178438 Special Education Assistant, (Continuous Recruitment), Box NYSSB - SEA NS 01/15/25 04/15/27 Education Department, State Genesee
178278 Assistant Attorney General: Investor Protection Bureau (3749) NS 01/14/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
178288 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/14/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Tompkins
178286 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/14/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Tioga
178209 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, Peekskill Service Center, P25175 38 01/14/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
178308 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, White Plains Service Center, P25178 38 01/14/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
178285 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/14/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Otsego
178279 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/14/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
178290 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/14/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
178283 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/14/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Delaware
178282 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/14/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chenango
178264 Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding) - 6535 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Franklin
178276 Student Assistant - 15068 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Franklin
178295 Public Health Inspector - 6531, 6532, 6533, 6534 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Franklin
178280 Student Assistant - 15069 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Jefferson
178299 Public Health Inspector - 6567, 6568, 6569, 6582 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Jefferson
178272 Student Assistant - 07146 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Herkimer
178289 Public Health Inspector - 6551, 6552 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Herkimer
178253 Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding) - 6563 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of St Lawrence
178267 Student Assistant - 07142 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of St Lawrence
178281 Public Health Inspector - 6546, 6547 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of St Lawrence
178273 Student Assistant - 07144 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Steuben
178291 Public Health Inspector - 6549, 6553, 6561, 6562 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Steuben
178254 Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding) - 6544 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Warren
178269 Student Assistant - 07145 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Warren
178287 Public Health Inspector - 6511. 6512, 6513, 6514, 6515, 6516, 6517, 6518, 6542 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Warren
178263 Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding) - 6510, 6555 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Otsego
178275 Student Assistant - 07148 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Otsego
178294 Public Health Inspector - 6521, 6522, 6523, 6524, 6525 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Otsego
178268 Student Assistant - 07143 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Ontario
178284 Public Health Inspector - 6541, 6543, 6580 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Ontario
178259 Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding) - 6581 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Orange
178274 Student Assistant - 07147 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Orange
178293 Public Health Inspector - 6571, 6572, 6573, 6574, 6575, 6576, 6577, 6578, 6579 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Orange
178298 Public Health Inspector - 6548 NS 01/14/25 06/01/25 Health, Department of Onondaga
178247 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) - Region 8 - (Eastern Orange County) 12 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Orange
178250 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) - Region 8 - (Western Orange County) 12 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Orange
178252 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) - Region 8 - (Ulster County) 12 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Ulster
178255 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) - Region 8 - (Northern Westchester County) 12 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Westchester
178260 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) - Region 8 - (Southern Westchester County) 12 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Westchester
178251 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) - Region 8 - (Rockland County) 12 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Rockland
178334 Highway Maintenance Worker 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 2 (Region 4- Monroe County) NS 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
178246 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) - Region 8 - (Putnam County) 12 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Putnam
178242 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) - Region 8 - (Columbia County) 12 01/14/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Columbia
178169 Attorney: Criminal Appeals & Federal Habeas Corpus Bureau (3759) NS 01/13/25 03/14/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
178092 Senior Field Representative -NYC - 5 Boroughs and Long Island NS 01/13/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York
178093 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Clinton
178123 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Delaware
178134 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Delaware
178100 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Hamilton
178090 Associate Psychologist 23 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
178091 Developmental Disabilities Secure Care Treatment Aide 1/Trainee (DDSCTA) 14 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
178099 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
178104 Licensed Psychologist 25 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
178107 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
178108 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
178098 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Essex
178114 Developmental Disabilities Secure Care Treatment Aide 1/Trainee (DDSCTA) 14 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chenango
178122 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chenango
178131 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chenango
178124 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Otsego
178110 Associate Psychologist 23 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
178121 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
178129 Licensed Psychologist 25 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
178130 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
178102 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for St Lawrence
178105 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for St Lawrence
178127 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Tompkins
178125 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/13/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Tioga
178177 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 1 Essex) NS 01/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Essex
178178 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 1 Essex) NS 01/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Essex
178185 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 South Erie Co) TEMPORARY 06 01/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Erie
178161 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation), NY HELPS, Region 3, I-81 Project 24 01/13/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of To Be Determined
178171 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 1) NS 01/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of To Be Determined
178175 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 1) NS 01/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of To Be Determined
178157 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation), NYHELPS, Region 3 24 01/13/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
178163 Engineering Technician Trainee/Senior Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) Region 3 NS 01/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
178168 Engineering Technician Trainee/Senior Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) Region 3 13 01/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
178172 Engineering Technician Trainee/Senior Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) Region 3 13 01/13/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
178012 Addictions Counselor 1 Hourly (Kingsboro ATC) 16 01/10/25 12/01/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
178023 Executive Deputy Superintendent for Banking, NS NS 01/10/25 04/04/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
178043 Financial Services Specialist 1 (Cybersecurity), SG-18 18 01/10/25 03/28/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
178081 Lecturer - Biological Sciences NS 01/10/25 04/25/25 SUNY Old Westbury Nassau
177953 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Yates
177950 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Wayne
177959 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Wayne
177964 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Wayne
177945 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
177956 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
177988 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
177942 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Livingston
177955 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Livingston
177962 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Livingston
177951 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Wyoming
177961 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Wyoming
178009 Administrative Assistant 1 or Administrative Assistant Trainee 1/2 (NY HELPS), Central New York Psychiatric Center, Greene Satellite Unit, P25167 11 01/10/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Greene
177931 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS) Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25138 18 01/10/25 06/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
178021 Licensed Practical Nurse (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25169 10 01/10/25 06/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
177940 Health Facility Management Assistant (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25163 18 01/10/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
177944 Dental Hygienist (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25164 12 01/10/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
178006 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25166 38 01/10/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
178001 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center, Yonkers Day Treatment, P25165 20 01/10/25 03/14/25 Mental Health, Office of Westchester
177948 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Seneca
177947 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schuyler
177949 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Steuben
177958 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Steuben
177967 Associate Psychologist 23 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
177968 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
177969 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
177970 Licensed Psychologist 25 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
177987 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
177990 Associate Psychologist 23 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
177991 Licensed Psychologist 25 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
177993 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
177995 Dietitian 2 18 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
178052 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Putnam
177946 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Ontario
177963 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Ontario
177965 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
177966 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
178034 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for New York
178037 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for New York
178038 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for New York
178051 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Greene
178004 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Albany
178027 Associate Psychologist 23 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Bronx
178028 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Bronx
178029 Licensed Psychologist 25 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Bronx
178030 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Bronx
178032 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Bronx
178033 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Bronx
178044 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Columbia
178045 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Columbia
178047 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Dutchess
178048 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Dutchess
178049 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Dutchess
177941 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/10/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chemung
178014 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil), NY HELPS, Region 3 NS 01/10/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
178016 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation), NY HELPS, Region 3 NS 01/10/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
178057 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 South Erie Co) PERMANENT 06 01/10/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Erie
178063 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - (NY HELPS) - Region 8 24 01/10/25 04/10/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
178083 Assistant Counsel & Records Access Officer - Albany NS 01/10/25 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of Albany
177938 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) - Region 10 - NY HELPS NS 01/10/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of Suffolk
177943 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - Region 10 - NY HELPS 24 01/10/25 03/31/25 Transportation, Department of Suffolk
177921 Building Construction Program Manager 1 (NY HELPS) VID 177921 18 01/10/25 04/10/25 General Services, Office of Albany
177639 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cortland
177683 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cortland
177844 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cattaraugus
177847 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Chautauqua
177635 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/14/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cayuga
177681 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cayuga
177491 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cayuga
177493 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Cortland
177840 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Allegany
177494 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Herkimer
177644 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Herkimer
177686 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Herkimer
177467 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
177468 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
177470 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
177471 Associate Psychologist 23 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
177472 Registered Nurse 2 (Community) 20 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
177878 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Genesee
177850 Associate Psychologist 23 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
177855 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
177861 Licensed Psychologist 25 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
177862 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
177865 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
177885 Recreational Therapist 14 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
177795 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Nassau
177804 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Nassau
177819 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Nassau
177478 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Montgomery
177489 Associate Psychologist 23 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
177499 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
177503 Licensed Psychologist 25 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
177667 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
177692 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
177770 Health Information Management Technician 1 13 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
177773 Graduate Audiologist 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
177778 Nurse Practitioner (Psychiatry) 24 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oneida
177882 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Niagara
177694 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
177772 Graduate Audiologist 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
177780 Nurse Practitioner (Psychiatry) 24 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
177680 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
177500 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
177671 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
177465 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Queens
177501 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oswego
177883 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orleans
177675 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oswego
177695 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oswego
177769 Licensed Psychologist 25 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Oswego
177479 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rensselaer
177474 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Saratoga
177480 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Saratoga
177484 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Saratoga
177485 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
177497 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Madison
177661 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Madison
177691 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Madison
177496 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Lewis
177651 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Lewis
177690 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Lewis
177476 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Warren
177486 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Warren
177477 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Washington
177487 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Washington
177802 Direct Support Assistant 09 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
177809 Licensed Practical Nurse 10 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
177815 Psychologist 1/2 21 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
177820 Registered Nurse 1 18 01/09/25 04/15/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
177705 Auditor 1 / Trainee 1/Trainee 2 (NY HELPS) 18 01/09/25 04/01/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
177549 Student Assistant (Region 10) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Suffolk
177604 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Tompkins County) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Tompkins
177605 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Tompkins County), Temporary NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Tompkins
177762 Industrial Training Supervisor 2 - Sign Manufacturing (NY HELPS) 15 01/09/25 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Cayuga
177591 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Cortland County) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Cortland
177593 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Cortland County), Temporary NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Cortland
177460 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 6 Chemung Co.) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Chemung
177575 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Cayuga County) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Cayuga
177588 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Cayuga County), Temporary NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Cayuga
177459 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 6 Allegany Co.) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Allegany
177597 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Oswego County) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oswego
177600 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Oswego County), Temporary NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oswego
177601 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Seneca County) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Seneca
177602 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (Seneca County), Temporary NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Seneca
177461 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 6 Schuyler Co.) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Schuyler
177463 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 6 Steuben Co.) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Steuben
177464 Service and Repair Mechanic Motor Equipment, Region 6, Allegany, Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates Counties 12 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Steuben
177672 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (East Onondaga County) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
177684 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (East Onondaga County), Temporary NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
177687 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (West Onondaga County) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
177688 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1, Region 3 (West Onondaga County), Temporary NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
177462 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (Region 6 Yates Co.) NS 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Yates
177559 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 Niagara Co) TEMPORARY 06 01/09/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Niagara
177338 Trades Generalist (Plumber) 12 01/08/25 04/30/25 Thruway Authority Rockland
177436 Trades Generalist (Plumber) 12 01/08/25 04/30/25 Thruway Authority Orange
177405 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) (NY HELPS) 24 01/08/25 05/01/25 Thruway Authority Albany
177409 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) (NY HELPS) 24 01/08/25 05/01/25 Thruway Authority Albany
177413 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) (NY HELPS) 24 01/08/25 05/01/25 Thruway Authority Albany
177415 Professional Geologist 1 24 01/08/25 05/01/25 Thruway Authority Albany
177419 Principal Engineering Technician 16 01/08/25 05/01/25 Thruway Authority Albany
177381 Mental Health Therapy Aide (MHTA) - Direct Care Positions (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25140 09 01/08/25 04/28/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
177353 Trades Specialist (Carpenter) - Rockland County 12 01/08/25 04/08/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Rockland
177357 Trades Specialist (Electrician) - Rockland County 12 01/08/25 04/08/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Rockland
177363 Trades Specialist (Mason & Plasterer) - Rockland County 12 01/08/25 04/08/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Rockland
177370 Trades Specialist (Plumber & Steamfitter) - Rockland County 12 01/08/25 04/08/25 Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, Office of Rockland
177401 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment), Onondaga County, Region 3 12 01/08/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Onondaga
177452 Highway Maintenance Worker Trainee 1/Trainee 2/Highway Maintenance Worker 1 (R5 Niagara Co) PERMANENT 06 01/08/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Niagara
177447 Student Assistant (Region 6 Fleet Administration) NS 01/08/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Steuben
177403 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment), Seneca County, Region 3 12 01/08/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Seneca
177402 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment), Oswego County, Region 3 12 01/08/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oswego
177392 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment), Cayuga County, Region 3 12 01/08/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Cayuga
177398 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment), Cortland County, Region 3 12 01/08/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Cortland
177407 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment), Tompkins County, Region 3 12 01/08/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Tompkins
177426 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Hearing (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
177431 Assistant Attorney 1/Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Appeals (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
177424 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Hearing (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Suffolk
177429 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Appeals (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Suffolk
177425 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Hearing (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Westchester
177430 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Appeals (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Westchester
177423 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Hearing (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Onondaga
177428 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Appeals (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Onondaga
177422 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Hearing (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Albany
177427 Assistant Attorney 1/ Assistant Attorney 2/ Assistant Attorney 3 / Senior Attorney - Appeals (NY HELPS) NS 01/08/25 03/31/25 Insurance Fund, State Albany
177327 Plant Utilities Engineer 1 - VID 177327 14 01/08/25 04/09/25 General Services, Office of Albany
177329 Plant Utilities Assistant - VID 177329 09 01/08/25 04/09/25 General Services, Office of Albany
177365 Appellate Court Attorney Series 31 01/08/25 12/31/25 Court Administration, Office of Kings
177319 IT/Cyber Supervision – Financial Services Specialist (Financial Services Specialist 4 (Cybersecurity), SG-27) 27 01/07/25 04/10/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
177229 Senior Enforcement Counsel: Consumer Frauds Bureau (3756) NS 01/07/25 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
177305 Mental Health Therapy Aide (MHTA) - Direct Care Positions (NY HELPS), Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25137 09 01/07/25 06/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
177307 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment), Region 5 Fleet 12 01/07/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of To Be Determined
177005 Trades Generalist (HVAC) 12 01/06/25 04/30/25 Thruway Authority Orange
177132 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, P25129 18 01/06/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
177138 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, (NY HELPS), Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, P25130 18 01/06/25 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Oneida
177182 Dentist 1 Broome 30 01/06/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
177184 Dentist 2 Broome 32 01/06/25 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
176970 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Oneida County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
176980 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 - (Oneida County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
176988 Bridge Repair Assistant / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Oneida County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
176991 Service & Repair Mechanic Motor Equipment (Oneida County) 12 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
176999 Engineering Technician Trainee/Senior Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) (Region 2) 08 01/06/25 06/30/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
177001 Principal Engineering Technician (NY HELPS) (Region 2) 16 01/06/25 06/30/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
177002 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) - NY HELPS (Region 2) 18 01/06/25 06/30/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
177003 Professional Engineer 1 (Civil/Transportation) - NY HELPS (Region 2) 24 01/06/25 06/30/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
177004 Student Assistant - Fleet Administration (Region 2) Hourly 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
177006 Tree Pruner (Region 2) 08 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Oneida
176976 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Montgomery County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Montgomery
176985 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Montgomery County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Montgomery
176989 Bridge Repair Assistant / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Montgomery County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Montgomery
176994 Service & Repair Mechanic Motor Equipment (Montgomery County) 12 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Montgomery
176974 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Madison County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Madison
176983 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Madison County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Madison
176990 Bridge Repair Assistant / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Madison County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Madison
176992 Service & Repair Mechanic Motor Equipment (Madison County) 12 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Madison
176977 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Fulton County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Fulton
176986 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Fulton County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Fulton
176997 Service & Repair Mechanic Motor Equipment (Fulton County) 12 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Fulton
176972 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Herkimer County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Herkimer
176981 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Herkimer County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Herkimer
176995 Service & Repair Mechanic Motor Equipment (Herkimer County) 12 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Herkimer
176973 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Hamilton County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Hamilton
176982 Highway Maintenance Worker 1 / Trainee 1 / Trainee 2 (Hamilton County) 06 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Hamilton
176996 Service & Repair Mechanic Motor Equipment (Hamilton County) 12 01/06/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Hamilton
177051 Structured Products Analyst 667 01/06/25 04/11/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
176696 Associate Actuary Life, SG-24 (NY HELPS) 24 01/03/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176702 Principal Actuary Casualty, SG-28 28 01/03/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176714 Supervising Actuary Casualty, M-4 664 01/03/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176730 Principal Actuary Life, SG-28 28 01/03/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176709 Supervising Actuary Life, M-4 664 01/03/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
176699 Associate Actuary Casualty, SG-24 24 01/03/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
176800 Hearing Officer or Assistant Attorney 1 or 2 or Assistant Hearing Officer (NY HELPS) 25 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Monroe
176805 Hearing Officer or Assistant Attorney 1 or 2 or Assistant Hearing Officer (NY HELPS) 25 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Nassau
176784 Fair Hearings Specialist 1 (NY HELPS) 14 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of New York
176793 Fair Hearings Specialist 1 Spanish Language (NY HELPS) 14 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of New York
176809 Hearing Officer or Assistant Attorney 1 or 2 or Assistant Hearing Officer (NY HELPS) 25 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of New York
176801 Hearing Officer or Assistant Attorney 1 or 2 or Assistant Hearing Officer (NY HELPS) 25 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Erie
176788 Fair Hearings Specialist 1 (NY HELPS) 14 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
176795 Fair Hearings Specialist 1 Spanish Language (NY HELPS) 14 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
176810 Hearing Officer or Assistant Attorney 1 or 2 or Assistant Hearing Officer (NY HELPS) 25 01/03/25 04/03/25 Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Albany
176733 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 10 - Suffolk) 12 01/03/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Suffolk
176734 Service and Repair Mechanic (Motor Equipment) (Region 10 - Nassau) 12 01/03/25 12/31/25 Transportation, Department of Nassau
176581 Information Technology Specialist 2 (Programming) 18 01/02/25 12/31/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176585 Senior Attorney, SG-25 25 01/02/25 04/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176586 Information Technology Specialist 2, SG-18 18 01/02/25 12/31/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176630 Assistant Actuary, SG-14 14 01/02/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176644 Senior Actuary Life, SG-19 19 01/02/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176672 Senior Actuary Casualty, SG-19 19 01/02/25 06/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176547 DHSES Training Extra NS 01/02/25 12/31/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Oneida
176549 Senior Training Technician (DHSES) NS 01/02/25 12/31/25 Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of Oneida
176690 Visiting Instructor - Biological Sciences NS 01/02/25 04/15/25 SUNY Old Westbury Nassau
176543 Occupation Therapist (NY HELPS), Rockland Psychiatric Center, P25112 20 01/02/25 03/17/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
176548 Hearing Officer 1 (Administrative Law Judge) / Assistant Hearing Officer / Assistant Attorney 1 or 2 - (HELPS) 25 01/02/25 04/04/25 Health, Department of Albany
176505 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Massena, P25108 19 01/01/25 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
176483 Senior Attorney, SG-25 25 12/31/24 04/30/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176450 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Manhattan Psychiatric Center, P25091 25 12/31/24 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
176451 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25092 25 12/31/24 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
176454 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, P25094 20 12/31/24 03/27/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
176395 Licensed Mental Health Counselor (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Children and Youth, P25085 19 12/30/24 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
176397 Dental Hygienist (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, P25087 12 12/30/24 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
176417 Medical Technologist 1, (NY HELPS), Nathan Kline Research Institute, P25090 14 12/30/24 03/31/25 Mental Health, Office of Rockland
176379 Motor Vehicle Operator (John L. Norris Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 12/30/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
176343 Data Steward (Director Financial Services Programs 2, SG-33) 33 12/27/24 04/25/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
176344 Senior Data Governance Specialist (Financial Services Specialist 2 (Policy Analysis), SG-23) 23 12/27/24 04/25/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
176304 C240160 - Dental Assistant - Orthodontics 08 12/27/24 06/19/25 University at Buffalo Erie
176300 Senior Recreation Therapist, (NY HELPS), Buffalo Psychiatric Center, P25079 17 12/26/24 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of Erie
176277 Cleaner 05 12/26/24 03/31/25 Health, Department of Westchester
176242 Assistant Attorney General: Consumer Frauds Bureau (3746) NS 12/24/24 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
176246 Assistant Attorney General: Internet & Technology Bureau (3747) NS 12/24/24 03/28/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
176184 Psychiatrist 2 (NY HELPS), Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit, P25068 38 12/23/24 04/17/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
176187 Construction Equipment Operator - VID 176187 08 12/23/24 03/24/25 General Services, Office of Albany
176127 Program Manager, ConnectALL NS 12/23/24 03/23/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
176128 Program Manager, ConnectALL NS 12/23/24 03/23/25 Empire State Development, NYS Albany
176026 Licensed Psychologist (NY HELPS), Part-Time, New York State Psychiatric Institute, P25049 25 12/20/24 05/01/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
176022 Certified Peer Specialist 1, Greater Binghamton Health Center, P25047 11 12/20/24 04/01/25 Mental Health, Office of Broome
176067 Senior Director, Life Sciences NS 12/20/24 03/20/25 Empire State Development, NYS New York
176076 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil Transportation) - NYS HELPS - (Region 8) 20 12/20/24 03/20/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess
175969 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Massena, P25041 20 12/19/24 04/03/25 Mental Health, Office of St Lawrence
175930 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
175933 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Westchester
175931 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Suffolk
175927 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Queens
175992 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Queens
175932 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Richmond
175991 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Rockland
175943 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Niagara
175926 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of New York
175977 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Livingston
175946 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Monroe
175978 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Ontario
175975 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Cayuga
175940 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Erie
175945 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Erie
175929 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Bronx
175928 Electronic Alarms Specialist 2 18 12/19/24 06/25/25 Military and Naval Affairs, Division of Albany
175853 Director of Legislative Affairs (Special Assistant, NS) NS 12/18/24 03/17/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
175860 State Program Examiner 1 (Systems), SG-18, State Program Examiner Trainee 1 (Systems) equated to SG-16, State Program Examiner Trainee 2 (Systems) equated to SG-14, Vacancy ID #175860 18 12/18/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the New York
175694 Trades Generalist (Hourly) - Norris ATC Hourly 12/16/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
175649 Contract Management Specialist 1 (SG-18), Contract Management Specialist Trainee 2 (Equated to SG-16), Contract Management Specialist Trainee 1 (Equated to SG-14), (NY HELPS) Item #175649 18 12/13/24 06/15/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
175667 Payroll Specialist 1 (NY HELPS) Item #175667 11 12/13/24 06/15/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
175445 Assistant Counsel (Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection) NS 12/11/24 03/28/25 Court Administration, Office of Albany
175274 Investigative Counsel - NYC NS 12/09/24 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of New York
175217 C240151 - Medical Assistant (NY HELPS) - Health Services 08 12/06/24 06/04/25 University at Buffalo Erie
175187 Deputy Commissioner for the Office of Performance Improvement and Management Services, Box PIMS-882/05001 NS 12/06/24 03/06/27 Education Department, State Albany
175029 Student Assistant - 07037, 32386 NS 12/04/24 05/31/25 Health, Department of Erie
174950 Virtual Currency Analyst (Financial Services Specialist 1 (Compliance), SG-18) 18 12/03/24 04/25/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
173826 Associate Director Planning, Design, and Construction NS 11/29/24 11/30/25 University at Albany Albany
173782 Registered Nurse 1 - Temp / Hourly NS 11/27/24 05/16/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
173466 Special Counsel, Federal Initiatives (3740) NS 11/22/24 03/29/25 Attorney General, Office of the New York
173413 C240139 - Administrative Assistant 1 (NY HELPS - Business) - The University at Buffalo 11 11/21/24 05/18/25 University at Buffalo Erie
173314 Executive Assistant, NS (Scheduler) NS 11/20/24 04/24/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
173233 Instructor (Substitute) (Multiple positions), Box Instructor Substitute NS 11/20/24 06/30/26 Education Department, State Oneida
173175 Tax Policy Analyst 1 18 11/19/24 03/18/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
172898 C240137 - Office Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) - The University at Buffalo 06 11/14/24 05/07/25 University at Buffalo Erie
172850 Architect 1 (NY HELPS) - 51056 24 11/14/24 05/29/25 Health, Department of Albany
172815 Registered Nurse 1 - NYS Veterans Home at Oxford 18 11/13/24 06/30/25 Health, Department of Chenango
172824 Licensed Practical Nurse - NYS Veterans Home at Oxford 10 11/13/24 06/30/25 Health, Department of Chenango
172610 Education Finance Specialist 1, Education Finance Specialist Trainee 1 (NY HELPS) (Multiple Positions), Box State Aid EFS 1 18 11/12/24 05/30/27 Education Department, State Albany
172373 Licensed Practical Nurse (NY HELPS) Orange 10 11/06/24 04/03/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
172220 Facilities Project Manager NS 11/05/24 11/05/25 University at Albany Albany
170395 Employees’ Retirement System Examiner 1, SG-9, Employees’ Retirement System Examiner Trainee, (Equated to SG-6)(NYHELPS) 09 10/24/24 07/07/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
170396 Employees’ Retirement System Examiner 2, SG-12(NYHELPS) 12 10/24/24 07/07/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
169991 C240125 - Dental Assistant - Clinic Operations 08 10/17/24 04/10/25 University at Buffalo Erie
170007 Senior Inclusion Policy Specialist (Financial Services Specialist 2 (Policy Analysis), SG-23) 23 10/17/24 04/04/25 Financial Services, Department of To Be Determined
169847 Rehabilitation Hospital Nursing Assistant 2 08 10/16/24 10/16/25 Health, Department of Rockland
169804 Nursing Asst Certified (CNA) 08 10/15/24 10/15/25 Health, Department of Rockland
169096 C240117 - Temporary Office Assistant 1 Pool - The University at Buffalo 06 10/08/24 04/02/25 University at Buffalo Erie
169042 Architect 1 (NY HELPS) - 46001 24 10/08/24 04/08/25 Health, Department of Albany
169092 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPS) 18 10/08/24 04/08/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
168975 University Police Communication and Security Specialist 1 10 10/07/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
168858 State Program Examiner 1, Systems State Program Examiner Trainee 2, Systems (SG-16) State Program Examiner Trainee 1, Systems (SG-14)(NYHELPS) 18 10/04/24 04/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
168740 Psychologist 2 23 10/03/24 04/03/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
168589 Hourly Nurse Practitioner (Any Specialty) (St. Lawrence ATC) Hourly 10/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of St Lawrence
168348 Investigator, NS (Albany) NS 09/26/24 04/25/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
168351 Investigator, NS NS 09/26/24 04/25/25 Financial Services, Department of Albany
168060 Investigator, NS NS 09/23/24 04/25/25 Financial Services, Department of Onondaga
168062 Investigator, NS NS 09/23/24 04/25/25 Financial Services, Department of New York
168058 Investigator, NS (Buffalo) NS 09/23/24 04/25/25 Financial Services, Department of Erie
167831 Cleaner (St. Lawrence Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 09/20/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of St Lawrence
167924 Physician Assistant (NY HELPS) 23 09/20/24 03/20/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
167696 Senior Computer Operator 14 09/19/24 09/17/25 State Comptroller, Office of the New York
167369 Interpreter (Sign Language) - HOURLY (John L. Norris Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 09/12/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
167037 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 2 09 09/09/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167038 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 2 09 09/09/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167039 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 2 09 09/09/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167041 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 2 09 09/09/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167042 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 2 09 09/09/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167043 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 2 09 09/09/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167044 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 2 09 09/09/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167027 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 1 07 09/08/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167028 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 1 07 09/08/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167029 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 1 07 09/08/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167030 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 1 07 09/08/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167031 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 1 07 09/08/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
167001 Hospital Patient Services Clerk 1 07 09/06/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
166928 Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding) 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166929 Office Assistant 1 (Keyboarding) 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166931 Office Assistant 1 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166932 Office Assistant 1 (Stores/Mail) 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166938 Office Assistant 1 (Stores/Mail) 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166941 Office Assistant 1 (Stores/Mail) 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166944 Office Assistant 1 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166945 Office Assistant 1 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166947 Office Assistant 1 06 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166957 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166958 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166959 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166962 Nursing Station Clerk 1 07 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166983 Office Assistant 2(Calculations) 09 09/06/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166905 Medical Assistant 08 09/05/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
166917 Medical Assistant 08 09/05/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
166919 Medical Assistant 08 09/05/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
166920 Medical Assistant 08 09/05/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
166922 Medical Assistant 08 09/05/24 06/01/25 SUNY Upstate Onondaga
166888 Medical Assistant 08 09/05/24 06/01/25 Upstate Medical University Onondaga
166825 Senior Corporate Credit Analyst (Banks/Financials) NS 09/04/24 04/11/25 Insurance Fund, State New York
166815 Food Service Worker 1 05 09/04/24 03/31/25 Health, Department of Westchester
166817 Special Education Assistant (Substitute), Box SEA Sub - Batavia NS 09/04/24 09/25/27 Education Department, State Genesee
165961 Computer Operator- NY HELPS 10 08/23/24 08/25/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Rensselaer
166001 Revenue Crimes Specialist 1 18 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
166002 Revenue Crimes Specialist Trainee 14 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
166026 Revenue Crimes Specialist Trainee 14 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Kings
166023 Revenue Crimes Specialist 1 18 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State New York
166043 Revenue Crimes Specialist 1 18 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Suffolk
166045 Revenue Crimes Specialist Trainee 14 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Suffolk
166015 Revenue Crimes Specialist Trainee 14 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Westchester
166016 Revenue Crimes Specialist 1 18 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Westchester
166046 Revenue Crimes Specialist 1 18 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Onondaga
166047 Revenue Crimes Specialist Trainee 14 08/23/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Onondaga
165874 Tandem Tractor Trailer Operator 12 08/21/24 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Cayuga
165878 Vocational Instructor 4 - Computer Operator 17 08/21/24 03/31/25 Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of Cayuga
165539 Hourly Psychiatrist 1 or Psychiatrist 2 (St. Lawrence Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 08/15/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of St Lawrence
165430 Payroll Analyst 1 (SG-18) (NY HELPS), Payroll Analyst Trainee 2 (Equated to SG 16)(NY HELPS), Payroll Analyst Trainee 1 (Equated to SG 14) (NY HELPS) #165430 18 08/14/24 08/14/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
165270 Hourly Chaplain - (McPike ATC) Hourly 08/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
164986 Addictions Counselor Assistant - HOURLY (Creedmoor ATC) Hourly 08/08/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Queens
164718 Psychiatrist 1 or 2 (Hourly) - Blaisdell ATC Hourly 08/06/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
164717 Psychiatrist 1 or 2 (Hourly) - Charles K Post ATC Hourly 08/06/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
164392 Tax Information Aide (Call Center) Hourly 08/01/24 07/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Schenectady
164395 Tax Information Aide Hourly 08/01/24 07/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
164264 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/30/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
164252 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/30/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Erie
164261 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/30/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Broome
164251 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/30/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Kings
164254 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/30/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Monroe
164268 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/30/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Westchester
164249 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/30/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Onondaga
164262 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/30/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Suffolk
164100 Dentist 1 30 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Dutchess
164116 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
164131 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
164110 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
164125 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
164133 Nurse Practitioner (Psychiatry) 24 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
164121 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
164102 Dentist 1 Broome 30 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
164104 Dentist 2 Broome 32 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
164106 Medical Specialist 1 35 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
164109 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Saratoga
164103 Dentist 2 32 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
164128 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
164111 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
164129 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
164113 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
164120 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
164127 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
164115 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
164122 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
164130 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
164108 Medical Specialist 1 35 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Queens
164117 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Queens
164123 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
164112 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
164134 Nurse Practitioner (Adult Health or Family Health) 24 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
164114 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
164119 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
164124 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
164105 Medical Specialist 1 35 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
164126 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/29/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
163745 Student Assistant - 07037, 32386 NS 07/23/24 05/31/25 Health, Department of Albany
163663 Auditor 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 1 (Tax)/Auditor Trainee 2 (Tax) (NY HELPS) 18 07/22/24 03/31/25 Taxation & Finance, State Queens
163360 Addictions Counselor Assistant - Hourly (St. Lawrence ATC) Hourly 07/16/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of St Lawrence
163291 Dentist 1 30 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Dutchess
163292 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Erie
163270 Medical Specialist 1 35 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Broome
163263 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
163264 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Kings
163288 Nurse Practitioner (Psychiatry) 24 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
163289 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
163290 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
163273 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
163274 Medical Specialist 1 35 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Monroe
163261 Medical Specialist 1 35 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Queens
163262 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Queens
163275 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
163278 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
163281 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Orange
163272 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Onondaga
163277 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
163280 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
163297 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Rockland
163286 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
163287 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Richmond
163298 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Saratoga
163284 Nurse Practitioner (Adult Health or Family Health) 24 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
163271 Dentist 2 32 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
163299 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Schenectady
163276 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
163279 Psychiatrist 1 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
163282 Psychiatrist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Westchester
163285 Medical Specialist 2 38 07/15/24 06/30/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Suffolk
163089 Nurse Practitioner - Psychiatry or Adult Health (Hourly) - CK Post ATC Hourly 07/12/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
163091 Hourly Clinical Physician 1 or 2 (CK Post ATC) Hourly 07/12/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
163080 Nurse Practitioner - Psychiatry or Family Health (Hourly) - Blaisdell ATC Hourly 07/12/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
163083 Hourly Clinical Physician 1 or 2 (Blaisdell ATC) Hourly 07/12/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
161903 Hourly Clinical Physician 1 or 2 (South Beach ATC) Hourly 06/28/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
161684 Student Assistant - 60186 NS 06/26/24 05/31/25 Health, Department of Albany
161593 Trades Generalist (Hourly) - Kingsboro ATC Hourly 06/25/24 04/30/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
161587 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, Hourly (St. Lawrence ATC) Hourly 06/25/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of St Lawrence
161322 Nurse Practitioner - Any Specialty (Hourly) - South Beach ATC Hourly 06/20/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
160917 Cleaner (South Beach Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 06/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
160923 Motor Vehicle Operator Hourly (South Beach ATC) Hourly 06/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
160892 Hourly Physician Assistant (Blaisdell ATC) Hourly 06/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
160893 Maintenance Assistant (Hourly) - Blaisdell ATC Hourly 06/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
160894 Trades Generalist (Hourly) - Blaisdell ATC Hourly 06/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
160896 Hourly Motor Vehicle Operator (Blaisdell ATC) Hourly 06/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
160897 Cleaner (Hourly) - Blaisdell Addiction Treatment Center Hourly 06/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
160870 Senior Attorney (NY HELPS) 25 06/13/24 04/07/25 Taxation & Finance, State Albany
160356 Nurse Practitioner - Any Specialty - HOURLY (Dick Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 06/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
160357 Hourly Physician Assistant (Van Dyke ATC) Hourly 06/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
160358 Hourly Clinical Physician 1 or 2 (Dick Van Dyke Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 06/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
160361 Maintenance Assistant (Hourly) - Dick Van Dyke ATC Hourly 06/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
160363 Hourly Chaplain - (Van Dyke ATC) Hourly 06/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
160366 Hourly Psychiatrist 1 or Psychiatrist 2 - Van Dyke ATC Hourly 06/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
160289 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric, Hourly (South Beach ATC) Hourly 06/06/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
159907 Registered Nurse 1 (Psychiatric) (R.C Ward ATC) Hourly 05/31/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
159514 Maintenance Assistant (Hourly) - Charles K. Post ATC Hourly 05/28/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
159544 Cleaner (Hourly) - Charles K. Post Addiction Treatment Center Hourly 05/28/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
158782 Nurse Practitioner Psychiatric - Bronx ATC Hourly 05/15/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
158641 Addictions Counselor Assistant (Hourly) - M.A. Stutzman ATC Hourly 05/14/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Erie
158643 Addictions Counselor Assistant - HOURLY (Van Dyke ATC) Hourly 05/14/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
158636 Addictions Counselor Assistant, Hourly - McPike ATC Hourly 05/14/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
158647 Trades Generalist (Hourly) - R.C Ward ATC Hourly 05/14/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
158470 Hourly Registered Nurse 1 (Psychiatric) (Stutzman ATC) Hourly 05/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Erie
158475 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric- Hourly (McPike Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 05/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
158480 Addictions Counselor Assistant - HOURLY (Russell E. Blaisdell ATC) Hourly 05/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
158478 Registered Nurse 1 (Psychiatric) (Van Dyke ATC) Hourly 05/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
158485 Addictions Counselor Assistant - HOURLY (Charles K Post ATC) Hourly 05/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
158486 Registered Nurse 1 Psychiatric Hourly (Charles K. Post ATC) Hourly 05/13/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
158025 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (St. Lawrence ATC) NS 05/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of St Lawrence
158028 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (St. Lawrence ATC) NS 05/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of St Lawrence
157861 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (Stutzman ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Erie
157865 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker 1 (Stutzman ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Erie
157871 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Stutzman ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Erie
157875 Hourly Recreation Therapist (Stutzman ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Erie
157863 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (Van Dyke ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
157869 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker 1 (Van Dyke ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
157873 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Van Dyke ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
157876 Hourly Recreation Therapist (Van Dyke ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Seneca
157858 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (McPike ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
157864 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker 1 (McPike ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
157870 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (McPike ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
157874 Hourly Recreation Therapist (McPike ATC) Hourly 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Oneida
157877 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (South Beach ATC) NS 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
157879 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker (South Beach ATC) NS 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
157880 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Soth Beach ATC) NS 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
157881 Hourly Recreation Therapist (South Beach ATC) NS 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
157884 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (South Beach ATC) NS 05/03/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
157670 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (Creedmoor ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Queens
157671 Hourly Recreation Therapist (Creedmoor ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Queens
157709 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (RC Ward ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
157711 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (RC Ward ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
157712 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker (RC Ward ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
157721 Hourly Recreation Therapist (RC Ward ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
157674 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (Blaisdell ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
157677 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker (Blaisdell ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
157681 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Blaisdell ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
157685 Hourly Recreation Therapist (Blaisdell ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Rockland
157676 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (CK Post ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
157680 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker (CK Post ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
157683 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (CK Post ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
157686 Hourly Recreation Therapist (CK Post ATC) NS 05/02/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Suffolk
157539 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (Norris ATC) NS 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
157541 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Norris ATC) NS 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
157544 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker (Norris ATC) NS 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
157546 Hourly Recreation Therapist (Norris ATC) NS 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
157538 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (Bronx ATC) NS 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
157540 Hourly Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Bronx ATC) NS 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
157543 Hourly Licensed Master Social Worker (Bronx ATC) NS 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
157545 Hourly Recreation Therapist (Bronx ATC) NS 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
157571 Hourly Motor Vehicle Operator (Creedmoor ATC) Hourly 05/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Queens
157510 Hourly Addictions Counselor 1 (Kingsboro ATC) Hourly 04/30/24 04/30/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
157516 Licensed Master Social Worker - Hourly (Kingsboro Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 04/30/24 04/30/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
157517 Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Hourly (Kingsboro Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 04/30/24 04/30/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
157519 Addictions Counselor Assistant - HOURLY (Kingsboro ATC) Hourly 04/30/24 04/30/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
157522 Recreation Therapist(Kingsboro ATC) Hourly Hourly 04/30/24 04/30/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
156536 Information Technology Specialist 1 (NY HELPS), Item #156536 14 04/17/24 04/11/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
156020 Student Assistant (multiple positions) - 00654 Hourly 04/11/24 05/31/25 Health, Department of Albany
155799 Addictions Counselor Assistant Hourly - South Beach ATC Hourly 04/09/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Richmond
155410 Business Systems Analyst 1 (Payroll Systems), SG-18, BSA Trainee 2 (PS), (Equated to SG-16), BSA Trainee 1 (PS), (Equated to SG-14), NYHELPS Item #155410 18 04/03/24 07/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
155126 Licensed Practical Nurse Hourly (Bronx Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 04/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
155156 Motor Vehicle Operator (Richard C Ward Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 04/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
155191 Maintenance Assistant (Hourly) - R.C. Ward ATC Hourly 04/01/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
154842 Addictions Counselor Assistant - HOURLY (Bronx ATC) Hourly 03/28/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
154841 Hourly Addictions Counselor Assistant - John L. Norris ATC Hourly 03/28/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
154779 Translator Spanish Language - HOURLY (John L. Norris Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 03/27/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe
154796 Hourly Motor Vehicle Operator (Bronx ATC) Hourly 03/27/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
154802 Court reporter 24 03/27/24 12/31/25 Court Administration, Office of Albany
152551 Cleaner (Kingsboro Addiction Treatment Center) Hourly 02/29/24 04/01/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Kings
150757 Investigator - Albany NS 02/09/24 06/30/25 State Inspector General, Office of Albany
150802 Business Systems Analyst 1, SG-18 (NY HELPS), Business Systems Analyst Trainee 2, (Equated to SG-16) Business Systems Analyst Trainee 1, (Equated to SG-14), #150802 18 02/09/24 07/06/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
150791 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item #150791 18 02/09/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Suffolk
150787 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item #150787 18 02/09/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the To Be Determined
150687 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item #150687 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Warren
150699 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item#150699 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Onondaga
150691 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14, Item #150691 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Orange
150693 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14 Item #150693 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Monroe
150679 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14 Item#150679 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Broome
150685 Auditor 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-18 Auditor Trainee 2 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-16 Auditor Trainee 1 (Municipal) (NY HELPS), SG-14,Item #150685 18 02/08/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Erie
150415 Maintenance Assistant (Hourly) - Bronx ATC Hourly 02/07/24 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Bronx
150343 Auditor 1/State Program Examiner 1(Fiscal)(NY HELPS),SG 18, Auditor 1/State Program Examiner TR2(Fiscal)(NY HELPS),(SG-16), Auditor1/State Program Examiner TR1(Fiscal) (NY HELPS), (SG-14),Item #150343 18 02/06/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the New York
150341 Auditor 1/State Program Examiner 1(Fiscal)(NY HELPS),SG 18 Auditor 1/State Program Examiner TR2(Fiscal)(NY HELPS),(SG-16), Auditor1/State Program Examiner TR1(Fiscal) (NY HELPS), (SG-14), Item #150341 18 02/06/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
149834 Senior Accountant (NY HELPS), SG-18, Accountant Trainee 2 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG 16), Accountant Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG 14) Item #149834 18 02/01/24 07/06/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
149945 State Program Examiner 1 (NY HELPS) , SG 18, State Program Examiner Trainee 2 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG-16), State Program Examiner Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG-14), Item #149945 18 02/01/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
149949 State Program Examiner 1 (NY HELPS) , SG 18, State Program Examiner Trainee 2 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG-16), State Program Examiner Trainee 1 (NY HELPS), (Equated to SG-14), Item #149949 18 02/01/24 05/01/25 State Comptroller, Office of the New York
149622 Office Assistant 1 (NY HELPS) Item #149622 06 01/30/24 07/06/25 State Comptroller, Office of the Albany
143528 Registered Nurse 1 Rehab 18 11/08/23 04/03/25 Health, Department of Rockland
141326 Licensed Practical Nurse NYS Veterans Home at Montrose 10 10/11/23 03/31/25 Health, Department of Westchester
138185 Addictions Counselor Assistant - HOURLY (Richard C WardATC) Hourly 08/28/23 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Orange
136872 Information Technology Specialist 2 (NY HELPS), Box Info Tech Spec 2 18 08/08/23 10/31/25 Education Department, State Albany
136873 Information Technology Specialist 2 (Programming) (NY HELPS), Box Info Tech Spec 2 (Prog) 18 08/08/23 10/31/25 Education Department, State Albany
136711 Child Care Aide 1 (Substitute), CCA 1 Sub - Batavia NS 08/07/23 10/31/25 Education Department, State Genesee
136710 Child Care Aide 1 (Substitute), CCA 1 Sub - Rome NS 08/07/23 10/31/25 Education Department, State Oneida
134647 Certified Nursing Assistant at Montrose -continuous recruitment 08 07/10/23 03/31/25 Health, Department of Westchester
134649 Registered Nurse 1 NYS Veterans Home at Montrose continuous recruitment 18 07/10/23 03/31/25 Health, Department of Westchester
131325 Hourly Physician Assistant (Norris ATC) Hourly 05/22/23 03/31/25 Addiction Services and Supports, Office of Monroe